Yandere Thor vs. Yandere Poseidon

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                                            This was requested by @Oalywash!

-first things first. If both Thor AND Poseidon fall in love with you? You're screwed. Literally

- Thor is a gentle yandere while Poseidon is well...ruthless

- Poseidon really thinks that you should pick him instead since he's stronger and older. He knows that he can protect you without even trying. Thor has received many death threats from Poseidon, but does that stop him? No.

-You'd feel so overwhelmed with how both males would always fight over you.

-Just one of them would be extremely danger to have, but both? They'd kill most of the gods and human who even look at you.

-Poseidon has definitely r@ped you once or twice.

-Thor always wears a crazed expression when he's with you and will kill anyone who gets too close to you for his liking.

- Poseidon definitely loves seeing you cry as he forcefully touches you

- Both of them have tried fighting to the death for your love once. Thor ended up injuring Poseidon pretty badly because he wanted you all for himself.

-These two crazy men are fighting for you, and killing for you. So the question is...

Who do you pick?

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