Beelzebub, Hades, Thor and Poseidon as dads

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Requested by Chiides_hans!
(Sorry if these are short!)

-His kid's gonna be a fucking smart ass🤷‍♀️
-Literally so damn strict tho
- His child isn't gonna visit the humans, no damn way
-Type of dad to freak out if his daughter got her first period
-"No boyfriend till your 1000 years old" type of dad
-The chill type of yandere dad 🤩👍

-His kid's gonna be fucking spoiled, what did u expect?
-His love between you and his child will multiply, not divide
-loves his lover more tbh because you were his first love lol
-Kills anyone who will try to make his kid cry
-After 1 kid, expect him to want many, many more🤷‍♀️

-Dude, he wanted this so fucking much
-To start a family with you was his biggest dream
-Let him name the kid. Let him or else Hell will break loose.
-Names his kid "Sariel" if it was a boy (7DS reference) and if it's a girl, he'd name her Katara (Avatar reference)
-Either way, he'd name his kid a water based name lol
-Strict but not as strict as Beelzebub
-And not as protective as Hades either
-Chill dad✨

-Amazing but goofy dad
-The type of dad to glare at the teacher when they say something bad about his kid in Parent Teacher Interviews
-If his kid got into a fight at school, he'd literally ask them if they won or not
-*Brags to all of the Gods about how cute his kid is*
-"Oh, you got your kid a scooter? Jackass, I got my kid that $6000 phone!" Type of dad

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