Poseidon, Thor, and Hades reacting to seeing their reincarnated s/o

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Summary: After y/n died so many years ago from an illness with no cure, the Gods broke down and made sure that Beelzebub would reincarnate their beloved y/n.

This was requested by: @Kuno0014! Hope you enjoy your request!
Tw: Death, Kidnapping, loss

Poseidon :

-This was the very first time that anyone had seen Poseidon collapse to his knees and sob his heart out after realizing that y/n was dead
-Y/n was his everything. They made Poseidon into the better version of himself
-He should have known better. You we're a nymph after all, and nymphs we're much more fragile than the Gods.
-Poseidon made sure to put your cold body into the most expensive coffin he could find, you deserved the best, so he was going to give you the best
-After you had last away, Poseidon stopped caring to his duties as the god of the seas, not taming the large waves as he did before
-Hades had came to visit him, worried about his health and had suggested to have Beelzebub create a spell to reincarnate you but as a human and you wouldn't be able to remember anything
- Poseidon was okay with this as long as you were sure to get reincarnated
-So Poseidon had ordered Beelzebub to create a spell to bring you back. After the spell had been cast, Poseidon waited, and waited, and waited for a total of 70, 000 years and he was starting to lose hope
-One day, Out of boredom, Poseidon decided to enjoy the sandy shores of his beach when he saw you.
- You had been reincarnated as the opposite gender, but he knew it was you (If you're non-binary, just ignore that pls)
-He suddenly ran up to you and gave you a giant hug before punching you in the stomach and knocking you out, gently whispering the words "I finally found you, my queen/king, I promise, you won't ever be able to leave me anymore"


-Thor had lost his mind when you died. Literally.
-Often killing people for no reason and always inflicting pain to himself saying that he deserved it since he just let you die
-Odin had walked in on Thor cutting his shin open while he laughed and mumbled that it should've been him instead.
-Odin slapped the knife out of Thor's hand and held him in a tight hug. Odin knew his son and immediately noticed that he was bottling his feeling and told Thor to let it all out.
-Thor immediately started sobbing his heart out and had a giant mental breakdown in Odin's arms.
-Thor started ripping out his own hair and started degrading himself for being such a horrible husband
-Odin felt sorry for his son and had Beelzebub cast a spell to reincarnate you and soon to,d Thor about the spell
-Thor felt happy and decided to wait until you were in his arms once again
-When Thor finally saw you again, he ran up to you and immediately kissed you on the lips.
- you then pushed him away and said that you didn't know him. This broke Thor's heart to pieces and he ended up knocking you out and bringing you to Heaven
-Surely you would remember him if he'd spend a lot of time you...


-As soon as you died, Hades immediately went to Beelzebub to make him cast a spell to reincarnate you
-It took 40 years for him to see you again, and boy was he happy
-He took you back to Heaven and got Mnemosyne (God of memory) to bring your memories back
-He cried happily when you had gained your memories back. His beloved y/n was back. HIS BELOVED Y/N WAS BACK!
-He was so happy to have you back and immediately started to take care of the underworld once more
-But he was different now
-He wouldn't let you go anywhere without him by your side. Not even when you were with Cerberus or his strongest maid Persephone.
-You wouldn't die if he was with you all the time...right?

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