Thor, Tesla, And Qin reacting to their darling trying to escape by death

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This was requested by: @Muddychild
(So sorry that it's short, Virgo😭😭 I'm also really sorry that I couldn't do Hades😭)
Tw: Attempted suicide, suicide, Yandere behaviour
Summary: Their Darlings try to escape by death. Some of them live and some of them die. For the darlings that lived, they asked their Yandere if they could go outside one last time before they get locked up completely

-You had enough of Thor's possessive behaviour. You wanted to leave but you knew that he would just find you.
-so THATS where you thought of your plan. Suicide. That was the only thing that you could think of.
-So, while Thor was off on a mission, you found an extra rope and started tying it in a knot and hanged it from the ceiling
-you soon found a chair and stood on it while you put the rope around your neck, ready to step off the chair fell from the ceiling, the now snapped rope was still around you neck
-It was a terrifying feeling. You didn't have to look up to know who it already knew
-"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Thor's voice roared before it softened, "You we're trying to leave me..?"
- You sooner explained to him what you were trying to do while he cried. He then told you that because of this, you'll never get to go outside again but he let you out of the mansion for the first time in years...just one last time
-surely that would make you happy, right?

-Tesla was working on a new project in his work room while you were pacing around in the kitchen
-You wanted this nightmare to stop. You needed it to stop...
-You soon got an idea when you saw a small knife 🔪
-If you died, you'd be able to escape, right?
-As you brought the knife to your neck, you could only think of one thing. Freedom
-You soon slashed your neck and fell to the floor.
-oh, well, at least you don't need to put up with Tesla anymore...

-Qin snapped when he witnessed you trying to kill yourself with a knife
-He grabbed it out of your hands then slapped you across the face. How dare you try and leave him!?
-You begged to be let outside for once in many years but he just laughed
-You have the audacity to try and leave him and ask to be let outside!?
-Absolutely not.
-No matter how much you cry and beg to be let out, he'll never let you.

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