Thor, Hades, Poseidon, and Buddha fighting their darling in the Ragnarok

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Summary: Thor, Hades, Poseidon, and Buddha's darling escaped, years after, they find out that they have to fight their darling who has gotten much stronger than before

   (This was requested by @Muddychild! I'm so sorry, but I cant think of anything for Buddha, hope u can understand!)



🔨 Thor was feeling quite confident that he was gonna win this battle even before he knew who his opponent was
🔨But all of this changed when he saw you on the other side of the arena
🔨You had already damaged his heart when you escaped 15 years ago, and now here you are, shattering his heart all over again
🔨He doesn't want to hurt you, he never wanted to hurt you in the first place
🔨 And he felt so shocked and proud to see just how much you had grown in your abilities
🔨 You had injured him quite a bit when he had finally smashed your head with his hammer
🔨He watched in pain as your soul shattered and disappeared , But then again, this was your punishment for running away WASNT it?
🔨 So why did he slowly feel a part of him die with you?


💀he was shocked, he thought that he would never see you again, but here you are
💀 He was literally sobbing his heart out during the entire fight
💀Yes, he wanted to see you again, but not in a death match
💀Hades was begging you to surrender, so he wouldn't have to hurt you
💀He doesn't want to kill you. He couldn't bare that, but what choice he have?
💀He didn't want to surrender either, since people would think less of him
💀He was astonished to see how powerful you had become ever since you escaped 20 years ago
💀Even when Hades was getting fatally injured, he didn't fight with his full potential
💀And because of this, he ended up losing when you created an icicle and stabbed him through the heart
💀While his soul disintegrated, he only thought of one thing
💀 Was your love too much for him to ask for?


🐠 When you escaped Poseidon 80 years ago, it was the first time in forever when the Gods truly saw Poseidon's wrath
🐠 Heaven used to be ginormous, but Poseidon destroyed over half after discovering that his beloved y/n escaped his clutches
🐠And now that he has to fight his darling? HE WILL DO NO SUCH THING
🐠Tells Zeus to pick another fighter to replace him
🐠 He cant even bare the thought of killing his darling, so why should he bother fighting you?
🐠 While watching your match in his room, a part of him was hoping that you'd win,
🐠That was why he collapsed to his knees and sobbed as he watched the love of his life's soul disappear into noting more than cinders

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