Yandere Poseidon who's object of affection is Shiva's daughter

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Summary: Poseidon's once human darling dies and gets reincarnated as Shiva's daughter

This was requested by @Aprklon

-Poseidon once lost his beautiful wife y/n due to the cruel hands of cancer 3 billion years ago, and still hasn't been able to get over it.
- The other Gods have tried to comfort him only to end up skewered by his sharp trident
- Now in the present day, all of The Gods have heard the news of Kali carrying one of Shiva's children who was expected to be a girl
- Everyone being excited to meet the little bundle of joy after Kali had finished giving birth (*cough cough* Shiva and Ganesha arguing on who gets to hold her first)
- (Both Shiva and Kali ended up naming her Arushi )
- Poseidon was bored on that day, so he decided visit the hospital where all the gods were to see Arushi
-once Poseidon got a good look at Arushi, his memories of his wife y/n came back. Arushi had the same aura as her. Arushi looked exactly like his wife when he saved y/n that day she almost drowned in the sea as a child.
-From shock, he immediately left the hospital, confusing the Gods there
-Night had fallen upon Heaven and all the Gods were now sound asleep. Except Poseidon who was now thinking of a way to take Arushi away from her parents.
- In the middle of the night, Poseidon slowly creeped into Shiva's mansion and immediately went to Arushi's room, carefully picking her sleeping form in his strong arms
-Poseidon smirked.
"Did you miss me, y/n?"
-He'd just have to raise Arushi under the sea until she was old enough to marry him
-Shiva wasn't going to get mad, right? I mean, Y/n never belonged to him in the first place

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