Two Jungkook?
Hi." I heard a faint echo coming from somewhere behind my back.
Turning around, my gaze locked with a pair of blue eyes. Eyes that were searching mine with a hint of curiosity."Hi." I smiled at the black-haired boy in front of me.
It was my first time seeing him. From the way he was dressed, I thought that maybe he was a doctor or something close to that."My name is Kim Mingyu."
Great... Another Kim. I thought to myself, my mind flying towards that annoying Taehyung guy.
"I am Y/N. Can I help you with something? " I asked as I kept a small smile on my lips. It was his effect. The way he was smiling in such a warm way. The way his eyes were shining with light, had a strange effect on my brain. And suddenly I felt myself become an obedient little puppy.
It was a first. I must prise him. He definitely has my respect.
"Yes. I need to talk to you about Jungkook. I am his doctor and the psychotherapist of this place. Can you please come with me? "
My smile instantly dropped as I silently nodded before following him towards his office.
"So... What do you think about Jungkook? I understood that you were late this morning. Something big happened? "
The doctor asked as soon as we entered his office.Closing the door behind me, my mind flew at what happened this morning. He pulled a chair over and made me sit down. After I silently obeyed, he installed himself in front of me, waiting for me to answer his question as he leaned in, his beautiful face inching closer to my face so his breath brushed my skin warmly.
"You can trust me Y/N. Anything you may say could help Jungkook." He whispered, his soft, long fingers touching my cheek like a whisper.
Looking back at him, his blue eyes became darker as he was scanning every inch of my face with a serious expression, and my face erupted in flames.Wait. He was doing something. The way he was touching me made my mind completely blank.
And then I told him everything that happened in the morning.
"It's alright. I will not let anything bad happen to you, I promise. I will protect you. You can trust in me." You smiled trying to make Jungkook feel at ease. But it wasn't working. His hot and sweaty body was still trembling against yours as you were running your fingers through his soft hair hoping it will calm him down a little. "You don't know me. I know I am just a stranger to you, but I am here to make sure that you will be safe. I will make sure that nothing will hurt you."
He was breathing fast and hard, his arms still tightly wrapped around your body like you were his anchor. And the terrifying part was that seeing him so scared and lonely, you wanted to be an anchor to him.
To be someone who could help him and pull him out of his hell. You craved for him to see you as someone reliable."You have a kind heart." He placed his forehead on your shoulder before adding," Don't get caught by my appearance."
Then he tightened his fingers around your hand which was holding the syringe and guided it towards his neck. Without hesitation forcing you to inject the drug in his vein.You suddenly felt like crying when your eyes locked again. You felt so sorry for him, chest heavy as you held his gaze full of sorrow and fear.
And then before the drug did its job, your breath caught in your throat when his lips twitch, slowly forming a smirk.You were taken aback by the sight in front of you. The same cold, calculating eyes he had the first time you met him, were now shameless analyzing your body.
"Got you." He exhaled against your mouth, then grabbing the back of your head, he brushed your bottom lip with his tongue before giving a little tug on your lip ring with his teeth and you couldn't help but shiver in his arms.
"Just like I thought. Sweet."
He whispered in your ear, and you couldn't move.Everything happened so fast. Everything was so confusing that your brain stopped functioning.
The sweet boy from a few moments ago was now replaced with something else. Someone totally different. Someone who was giving you chills.
Someone evil.
You could feel it inside your being and your body stiffened under his sensual touch.The only thing you could do was to pray for the drug to take its effect quickly.
This time he brushed his nose against yours, his lips at an inch from your mouth as you were looking at each other.
"What is it? Are you afraid?
You better be, baby."
He bit his lip before giving you a quick peck on the lips.Then he passed out.
End of flashback
"Why was he brought here? No. Why did he come here? Do you know why he is so afraid to stay awake?" You asked the doctor who was now watching you with an expression you couldn't decipher.
"He came here after he burned his entire family."
"His mother was found with her neck slit open.
His father had multiple penetrating knife wounds in his chest.
His little sister was drowned.
Then after he killed his entire family, he burned them and stayed to watch like the heartless monster he is."Mingyu watched you with an expression you couldn't read.
"He... was 14. He couldn't have been that strong. It's impossible for a kid to... "
"It's not impossible. Having multiple personalities makes everything possible. It wasn't the real Jungkook who committed that massacre. It was his other persona.
There are two Jungkook, Y/N."

FanfictionJungkook: "What is love? Such a stupid thing to exist. I hate it in all its various forms. Yet when I see you, I want to love every inch of your body. But I also want to destroy you for coming in my way and for making me feel this way."