Bill x Nightmare <3

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Hello everyone! Welcome back, today's chapter was requested by the mystifying RandomThingsOfMine

Nightmare paced around back and forth, he was currently starting to get outnumbered due to the stars having gained more allies. They had even stole cross from his side so reasonably with one loss he had started to plan out ways to get more members to join so that his team wouldn't lose. Unfortunately most of his other attempts to gain new members had failed so now he was desperate for anyone really. Killer would come into nightmare's office looking quite proud of himself.
Nightmare would frown. "What do you want killer?" He had said coldly and killer would grin. "Well boss I think I might just have a solution to fix our problems!" Nightmare's attention completely shifted over to killer now, intrigued in what killer might say next. "Alrighty so! I found out we could maybe like summon a demon- and we could like- ask it to join us?"nightmare would facepalm before actually thinking it through.
"That is the most ludicrous-" an idea hit him and he'd go silent for a moment before he'd nod. "Now, if you expect to live tomorrow leave me be." Killer would nod and made his way out.
Nightmare spent the last few days researching and looking for anyone suitable when he had finally came upon cipher's summoning ritual. (I might change between cipher or bill for this! Just a small heads up sorry for any inconveniences!) So, like any mentally unstable entity he began to gather the supplies for the ritual so that he could summon bill. Nightmare had coughed heavily, blue smoke flooding his room as cipher stood in the middle of the drawn pentagram. His cyan eyelight would slowly look towards bill, he was actually a bit surprised that it had worked.
Nightmare seemed to be struggling for words out of pure shock. After a small amount of time he had regained his ability to talk now. "..I have a deal for you, cipher." Bill would look towards nightmare, seeming quite intrigued. "Alright apple tree, what's the deal?" Cipher would grin, leaning their hand on nightmare's head. He'd push the hand off his head. "I need new members due to the stars having gained a few new members on their side, so I want you to join my team and help fight them."
Bill would grin, now floating above nightmare, relaxed. "Hmmm...what do I get in return apple tree?" Nightmare would think for a moment before finally coming up with an answer. "Anything you'd like in return, I'll try and get it for you." Cipher would nod. "It's a deal then apple tree!" He'd hold out his hand and nightmare would shake it. Cipher would now hug nightmare before disappearing now.
It's been a few weeks since the stars have tried attacking, nightmare was in his library reading when dust came into the room. "Boss, ink and the stars are at the door. They say that they want to talk." Nightmare would sigh heavily, setting the book down and getting up from his chair before walking into the dining room to see ink, dream, and blue already sitting at the table. "Greetings...what do you want?" Ink would grin. "Alrighty! We want to make a peace treaty!" Nightmare would seem confused for a moment before nodding.
"So what if we let you have your way with 50% of the au s, you can do as you please with them and the other 50% will belong to us and we'll keep them safe!" Dream had seemed like he was about to object but ink looked at dream with a odd expression and dream would look away.
Nightmare had thought this through, being thorough in his thoughts he had weighed every possibility,every pro, and every con and would have made his decision. "I accept." Dream had seemed a bit shocked for a moment since it was usually hard to negotiate with nightmare. Ink would smile before getting up from the chair. "Alrighty! C'mon guys let's go- it's creepy in here-" dream would wave goodbye to nightmare as they left.
It's been a few months since then, the team hasn't really disbanded except error had decided to leave for his own reasons but then again error wasn't quite really a full member on the team. Since bill hadn't really decided what he wanted from nightmare he had just been hanging around him, well more like bothering him but it still counted. Nightmare had been currently working on some important paperwork when Cipher had let themselves into his office. "Hey apple tree whatcha doing?" He'd lean his arm on nightmare's head. "Paper work, now go away." Nightmare would reply rather coldly. "I learned something interesting today!" Bill would grin. Nightmare would sigh and look up from the paperwork. "What is it?" Cipher had set down a rock. "When penguins love each other they give each other rocks sorta like wedding rings and stuff!"
Nightmare would shoo away Bill. "Now leave me alone, I'm busy." Cipher would grin. "Alrighty apple tree, see ya!" He'd teleport away.
Nightmare would look at the rock that had been set down on his desk, a warm, sickening feeling had grown in his chest. He'd pick up the rock and would set it down on one of the shelves behind him, it could be seen quite easily. After several long cruel hours, nightmare had finished the huge stack of paperwork he had to do. He'd walk to his room, upon opening the door he would flop down onto the bed, completely exhausted.
Cipher had entered the room while nightmare was sleeping in the bed peacefully, he'd pull a blanket over Nightmare to keep him warm. "If ya keep sleeping without a blanket like that you could get sick apple tree-" Nightmare had woken up due to hearing bill's voice and sensing his aura. "What are you doing here?" Cipher had taken Nightmare's hand and would kiss it. "Making sure you don't get sick apple tree, I still don't understand why you always have it so cold in here-" nightmare would sigh. "Well, I rather prefer this temperature. I absolutely despise hot weather and this is the perfect way to keep myself from dealing with that annoying weather." Bill would grin. "C'mon hot weather can't be that bad apple tree! Besides you've got me, I can easily make it better!" Nightmare couldn't help but crack a slight smile at how stupid cipher had sounded. Bill would smile. "Awww looks who's smiling!" He'd kiss nightmare on the forehead. Nightmare's face would turn teal at this. "Cipher!"

And that's all folks! It took me quite long and I'm pretty sure this is the longest chapter I've written-

Yeah it is but anyways I hope you loved it!

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