Kross <3

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This contains: bar stuff(drinking, people probably having dumb arguments and fighting in the background- drunk people), flirty killer and obviously Kross and cross

Cross had always been so busy with his whole being a bodyguard thing, although he was currently on a sort of vacation at the time being due to dream having went on a business trip, his other guard blue was the one that had been chosen to go with him and honestly? Thank stars for that, cross really did need a break from dream. It's not that dream was one of those snobby rich people or anything- dude's just eccentric and trouble making despite his kindness. He had kept getting recommended to this one bar, so he had thought that today was the perfect opportunity to check it out so he had followed the directions he was given by his friend epic, a guy who occasionally helped out around the place as security as a second job. From what epic's told him everyone is really kind there, sort of like a family- well the staff and some of the other guests were- the ones that came looking for fights often took one or two fights to being 'permanently exiled' from the property.
    Cross knew that he himself wouldn't be getting into any fights unless some imbecile had decided to drag him in first or start one with him. Cross had been trained very well to know where the major pain spots and knock out spots on anyone is, human, skeleton, any other monster. He had stared at the line, was he really ready to even do this? Cross was not the most sociable person, he wouldn't approach people unless they approached him first and even so he generally kept up an unfriendly appearance to make it so he wouldn't. He really just wanted to relax, try the food and drinks, and then leave- wouldn't he be in for such a surprise tonight. As the line shrunk he had noticed that he was almost next, so he had rummaged through his pockets until he found his id, it showed everything that needed to be shown, like age in this situation. Cross didn't know if epic was even working today, if not then oh well sucks for him.
  After having been let in he had looked around the bar, it had a interesting little design choice in the sense that it looked like gothic and neon combined together. The whole bar had been painted in beautiful purple lighting but it wasn't overbearing in any way and generally people weren't overly loud. No wonder everyone's been recommending him here, it's perfect. He had taken a seat on a stool, the stool having faced a counter where there were two bartenders. One of the bartenders had some sort of black tears streaming down his face or something- cross was pretty sure it might've been mascara and the other had been one that wore a hood over his head and some fancy white gloves. Cross couldn't help but zone out staring at the first one.
   Suddenly, they had locked gazes cross legit just panicking as he had quickly looked away but looking away didn't quite help since they had came over to cross. "You seem new here- considering I ain't ever seen you around, what brings ya here? Also you were checking me out just now huh?" Cross sputtered on his words, feeling like nothing but a pervert right now.  Killer couldn't help but chuckle, having found such a reaction to be adorable. "Relax, I don't mind, just means I dress well huh? What can I get ya?" Cross hadn't even thought about it, currently he wanted to forget the embarrassment. "The strongest anything-" killer had no clue what that was supposed to mean- so he had figured just really strong wine would suffice.
  So, he had poured it into a glass, handing it over to cross to which cross began draining the glass almost immediately that it actually slightly concerned killer. Next thing cross knew he was at his house- a blanket pulled over him and epic in the kitchen making some toast for cross. Cross had figured that it had been perhaps a bit too strong for him. Epic poked his head out from the kitchen, he was waiting for the toast to finish toasting. "Glad you're awake bruh! You had a rough night- yeah- you ended up kissing killer and he got me to pick you up-"
Cross's eyes would widen, blush spreading onto his face. "Oh- uh- he also handed me his number for ya soooo yeah!" Epic had handed cross the number, cross was still trying to process everything. The next day after that cross had decided to stop by again and apologize to killer, little did he know that just dropping by to see killer would be repetitive and would lead to a crush. It's been twelve months since then, cross had finally gained the courage to come here again for what may or may not be the last time. He sat down on a stool, glancing around nervously for killer but before he knew it he could feel the familiar skeleton's gloved hands around his body. "Hello criss cross~ it's been a while! Glad to see that you're here!" Cross just smiled, his body subconsciously leaning into killer's arms. "Killer?" This had caught his attention, now letting go. "Could I talk to you about something in private- not that here is a good place but this is really important and I want to make sure you here me right-!" Killer would nod, grabbing cross's hand and leading him into another room, it was a staff break room.
   Killer had sat down in a chair, cross doing the same. He had felt hot, blush making it's way onto his face. Killer had simply just waited for cross to say anything. "Killer, I.." a small smirk made its way onto killer's face, red making its way onto his own face. "I'd like to maybe start going out with you one day, because i- I think I like you..! OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T HAVE TO ACCEPT IF YOU DON'T FEEL THIS WAY ABOUT ME-!" Killer couldn't help but snicker, getting up. He had cupped cross's cheeks, peppering his face with kisses. Cross just froze up, processing this. "Heh, I'd love to go out with ya cross." Cross would nod, burying his blush covered face in his hands. "Killer, get back to work." A stern voice had said from the entrance to the break room. "Aw well bye cross! I'll call ya and we can set things up, yeah?" Cross just gave a very dazed thumbs up, now going home.

That's all! I hope you liked, also to those who are still waiting for your request to be done- thank you for being patient, I am in the process of doing them- apologies for my slowness

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