Error x Error 404 (Lemon)

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Alrighty! Before we start this chapter is a lemon(meaning not kid friendly! Or even family friendly-) so if you don't like lemons or are generally uncomfortable with them please just don't read it! This was requested by the fantastic nightmare_Miro
I've never written a lemon in my life so it may be bad but I've made an attempt and I hope you will enjoy it!
I'm using an au where error is just a skele pirate and 404 is a sea god of some sort. !They are not related!
With that warning out of the way enjoy!

404 had made a bet with one of the other little gods, bill. The bet was to basically find a skeleton that wouldn't run away in fear and well to put it simply- attempt to have a child with them. It was a nice day, it wasn't too hot or too cold and it had a nice breeze that carried the smell of the sea along it, error had been taking a break from his pirate duties. He had decided to walk along the shore when he saw something shining in the water, so error would take off his shoes and would enter the water.
When he touched the shiny thing, 404 had appeared behind him but in a normal disguise to look like any normal skeleton. They'd introduce themselves to error and after a few hours the two had actually became friends. Time has passed since then and 404 and error had actually fell in love with each other, 404 kinda even forgot about the bet. It was a nice night it was a bit cold and windy though and it had been error's last night before he had to return to his pirate crew and 404 wanted to do something special for them.
404 had been waiting for error to enter the room, he had covered the bed with rose petals and had lit candles. When error had entered the room he would look around, confused at the little scene in front of him. "What is all of this 404? What's it for?" 404 would grin slightly. "Well since you're leaving I thought I'd give you a surprise before you have to go tomorrow!" Error's face would turn a bit yellow at hearing this.

The lemon starts here- sorry about the Long kinda plot I made I just thought it'd be nice!
404 began to undress himself, throwing his shirt somewhere in the corner of the room. Error had watched his face becoming much more yellow, he himself had also been starting to undress and he'd start to unbutton his shirt. 404 watched, smiling at the other glitch's nervousness and after a few more minutes the two were both completely naked. 404 would gently push error down onto the bed, being careful to not hurt them.
Error had gotten a bit more nervous and so he'd cover his face with his hands, this would only result in 404 pinning error's hands above his head. "Are you alright with this?" 404 would ask, looking down at error. Error would nod his head and 404 had begun to smother error with kisses all over his neck,forehead,and cheeks. Error couldn't help but smile softly, it was a very sweet little moment that the two were having.
404 had now slowly entered error, error would wince since it had hurt quite a lot but he wasn't really going to admit that. 404 had noticed the little wince and would give them a comforting smile as he'd now wait until error had adjusted. Error would slightly squirm a bit, since error didn't seem to be showing any pain 404 would slowly begin to thrust into error. Error would wrap their legs around 404's waist as 404 began to speed up a bit more.
Error could be heard moaning, his head was now buried into a pillow to try and muffle the noises he had been making. 404 would frown at this slightly and would whisper to error. "You don't have to hide from me you know that right~?" Error's face would cover in deep yellow blush and he'd nod, removing the pillow from his mouth. 404 had started to go much more faster and error would now dig his fingers into 404's shoulders as he would moan out loudly.
Eventually after a few more minutes 404 had started to slow down a bit and his thrusting had became a bit more sloppier. Error had of course noticed this being the observant little pirate glitch he was, his insides had been clenching down tightly on 404 as well. After a few more thrusts 404 had now released inside of error, error flinching and doing the same as well. 404 would now pull out of error and would now pull them close to them, kissing them on the forehead. "You did so good! Do you need anything? Water? A bath?" Error would yawn and would rub his eyes slightly. "Sleep- I want sleep-" 404 would chuckle softly. "Well goodnight then love!" And with that error had fallen asleep, 404 doing the same.

The end! I hope you liked it! I'm sorry if it took so long! I was quite busy and I kept getting stuck on certain parts!

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