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Cross sat in his long gone au, ink sitting besides him and doodling something. October had once again came around and his birthday easily passed quickly, not that he wanted to celebrate it, he couldn't, his friends and family couldn't celebrate it with him. It was all quiet, just him, ink, and the white expansive void. Ink was slightly unsettled by the blank world, but he was glad that he wasn't all alone in there. He had cross with him. Cross had taken a paper, beginning to sketch something out. Halloween was supposed to be coming, although cross doubted that he'd even be able to enjoy it. Ink sighed, getting up.  "Well, I'm going to go, see you later alligator?" A small smile made it's way onto cross's face. "In a while crocodile."
   Ink had left, leaving cross some crayons, food, the usual stuff that ink brings him Everytime he visits. Cross wasn't the most interesting person, he didn't see himself as interesting, he had wondered if ink was bored of him yet. They don't talk much, they don't do much here other than draw in silence with small commentary. Was he really that special for an protector of alternate universes to want to actively spend time with? He didn't think so, he had figured that maybe ink was getting something out of this.
     That later came and in a while the crocodile had made his way back to cross, it was Halloween, October 31st. Ink had showed up in a team rocket costume, grinning. Cross had figured that ink was going to be celebrating and had came to bring him candy and the usual stuff. He hadn't expected though for ink to pull out another costume and toss it at him, it was a matching one. "Come on silly! Put it on!" Cross had nodded, ink turning away so that he wouldn't be invading cross's privacy as cross changed. The costume was a little tight, although he was surprised it even did fit him at all since he was pretty sure ink just estimated size and was like 'hope this works :D ' as that was definitely an ink thing to do. Once he had turned around, he was immediately tackled into a hug and almost knocked down by ink despite ink's height. Cross just hugged back, fighting the tears that made their way into his eye sockets. He didn't know why he reacted the way he did, he wished he knew, this felt nostalgic. "It looks good on you, come on we're going candy hunting in the Omega!" He took cross by the hand, taking him to the Omega timeline.
  Cross had looked around in awe, the scent of pumpkin, chocolate, and caramel filled the air, many variations of everyone from back at home were out and about, all dressed up in varying costumes. An undyne and an alphys had even been dressed up together as that one couple from that show with physic pink haired kid. Undyne was the very cool spy guy, and alphys was the very cool assassin women.. monster kid was the child.
  Ink smiled, taking cross by the hand and leading him to a booth where you could play a little game about popping bubbles with darts, to make sure that the prize guy wasn't hurt, they made sure to leave the booth before the game starts, if they fail to pop all the bubbles in time, they must pay the guy. "Cross, I bet you 4 g that I'm going to win this!" Ink beamed, looking up at cross who simply just nodded. And so, ink got to work on trying to do just that but he ended up running out of time, giving the darts to cross for him to try. The timer started yet again, cross popping them with ease. He was trained to be accurate with these things. He surveyed the prizes, looking down at ink as if to ask what ink had wanted him to get. Ink just smiled, pointing at a pillow like cow plush, only for cross to object, ink giggling. Instead cross had ended up with a squid plushie, it shared a similarness to ink in the fact that it was a squid and looked..stupid- it looked goofy and ink always looks goofy so that's why cross thought it looked like ink. "Hm..candy?" Cross nodded, holding the squid plushie firmly in one arm and ink's hand with the other. He was actually having lots of fun. After a few hours of fun and games, literally- the two had decided to call it a night, ink had gotten cross back to the remnants of his au..only for cross to fall asleep right then and there, trapping ink underneath cross's sleeping, tired body.
Time skip so that we don't get any confusion here

Cross looked to nightmare, holding the dagger above ink's head with tears in his eyes. He couldn't do it, and nightmare wasn't going to do it for him. Nightmare huffed, lightly shoving cross and picking ink's sleeping body up in his tentacles. "If you won't kill him, we might as well recruit him and make him one of ours." Cross just silently nodding, wanting to reach out to ink and hold him in his arms. Cross really liked October, he liked ink and Halloween and just goofing off and being stupid together. It took a couple of days for ink to get accustomed to nightmare and the others, especially since his vials were taken. He was brainwashed into following nightmare's orders but he did have that one memory of him and cross in October. Currently, he was sat in cross's lap, receiving many little kisses from the other, ink didn't feel anything but having cross do this and feel this way about him despite everything that's happened made him really want to feel at least something back for cross, he was sure that cross knew this problem but cross was finally just content after all the suffering endured.

The end! Still continuing my work, stay tuned! :D

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