Yandere shattered x Passive noot

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Hello and welcome back! Alrighty for starters so that I don't get cancelled over fanfiction, shattered is a separate entity from dream in this! Now that this is out of the way, this chapter was requested by the illustrious CcinoSanzUwU
Alrighty last thing I promise- there will be mentions of gore and blood so if you don't like those things please don't read- I don't want to upset anyone ;-;
Also passive's a detective in this- okay okay I'll shut up and start writing now ;w;

Nightmare had been wandering the streets in search of any clues about the recent murders that have been happening in the area. Oddly enough it seemed that all of the murders had been connected to one thing: him. Most of the people that had been murdered were people close to him like his brother dream, or his friends killer and cross. Nightmare had seen something move in an alleyway and would now chase whatever or even whoever it may be, they were just simply suspicious to him.
He had ended up chasing the figure into a even more secluded place. Nightmare would look around frantically, suddenly something hit him on his head and before he could even react everything went black. Now nightmare would wake up in a dark room, he couldn't see anything and it was too quiet. Footsteps could be heard making their way towards him and nightmare would slightly panic, attempting to try and escape now having realized he was tied down to a chair. A figure in a dark silk robe would now approach nightmare and they seemed quite amused at this from how they had spoken. "Hello nighty my love, are you comfortable?" The figure spoke.
Nightmare would glare at them, squirming around still in the chair that they had been tied to. "What do you want from me!?" The person in the robe now removed the hood to reveal their true identity. "Oh quite simple really! When I take over the world, I want you to be my- queen? King? Well- I'm not sure-" shattered would shrug.  "..why do you want me exactly? What's the purpose of that?" Shattered would grin and would look down at nightmare. "Why? It's because I love you!"
Nightmare would frown. "Do you know anything about the recent murders..?" Shattered would grin. "Mhm!" Shattered would take out dream's crown and would set it down on nightmare's lap. Nightmare had started to sob, holding the crown of his dead brother in his hands. He'd now look at shattered who was grinning excessively. "Why don't you just kill me too while you're at it! You killed all of my friends and my brother just so that I could Marry you or something, well I refuse! I don't want to marry you not ever!" Nightmare would shout at shattered and the smile on shattered's face quickly became a frown.

Nightmare now sat besides shattered's throne, his right eye had been gouged out and he had several bruises. Shattered would now look to nightmare, smiling happily. "We have two more days until our official wedding!" Nightmare would frown and would now get up, he made his way towards his and shattered's room. He'd enter the room and would lock the door, now pushing a nightstand up against the door.
He had started to sob heavily, curling up into a ball. Nightmare now felt arms wrap around him tightly. "Don't worry love, I won't have to hurt you anymore because we'll be together forever!" Nightmare only continued to sob, the tears flowing down like a waterfall.

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