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Hello hello! This request was made by the booga man oogaboogabeluga

They wanted some nice angst to fluff and I shall provide but before we get into that, please know that this will discuss E.D's and horror's famine (NOT erectile dysfunction- eating stuff)

Horror stared at his plate, a sort of guilt clawing at his insides. He couldn't help but think of his home, how everyone had been starving and now here he and his brother were, sitting at the table with his boyfriend and his brother. Everyone was still suffering back at home, everyone was still starving back at home and he couldn't exactly do anything about that. Here he was, with his brother being able to eat well whole his friends were starving at home and being tortured. He felt guilty for having left his home to be here with farm and his brother, for being able to get out of that situation when everyone else couldn't. He wished he could've done much more.
  Farm had noticed horror had barely touched his plate, it was getting cold. "Hun, are you alright?" He had questioned, concern showing on his face which horror had picked up on, he didn't wanna worry his boyfriend so he just nodded. But even with how he dismissed his problems..farm knew deep down that something was wrong and he could just feel that he might have known what could be causing horror's lack of eating. Horror has done this before, more than once and each time it seemingly gets worse. Horror had been starving himself despite the availability of food, feeling the guilt from being able to even have such a thing after having been in that awful situation for years..his body and his mind were still getting used to being able to have this.. although there were still these roadblocks like the guilt that horror held onto.
   So, farm decided to bring horror with him to another room after dinner, horror's dinner wasn't being wasted and instead was just put in the fridge for next time. "Guilt again..?" He'd ask, setting his hat down on horror's head, pulling his lover into a gentle hug. Farm had heard sniffling, then he felt tears seep into his shirt. He'd sigh, rubbing horror's back. "Come on, let it all out okay?" And horror did, sobbing into farm's chest and holding onto him tightly as if farm was going to leave him, but horror knew fairly well that farm wouldn't do that, at least not willingly anyways. The two had ended up staying like this for quite a bit of time, farm had eventually ended up coaxing horror into eating something, even if it was something as small as a cheese stick, horror still ate at least something.
   "Horror, you know I'm really proud of you.." horror looked up, looking at farm with a look of curiosity to which farm continued the little conversation. "You've come so far from when you first started, you've gotten better ya know? I know we've had some minor setbacks, but you still overcame them, I'm proud of you, of both of you actually." Horror had just smiled softly, tears forming in his eyes, not yet spilling. He wasn't upset, he was just really happy..? No.. happy didn't feel like the right word to describe it..how about..Kairosclerosis? Yes? No.. it's like he won a war in his head, after years of battling..it wasn't over yet, just the burden was lessened and was the first victory for positive change.
   Horror had pulled farm into a tight hug, the tears falling now. Farm just smiled, cupping horror's cheeks and peppering his face all over with kisses. This was nice, he had wanted this moment to last and could tell horror had felt the same too when he had returned some of these kisses ever so slowly. Even if this moment couldn't last forever, the two could still cherish it together.. well, now three with how horror's brother had thrown his arms around the two and joined in on the hugging and just in general having a great time. Things were getting better, it takes progress but they were in fact getting better from what they used to be. It's only one victory today, whether big or small, it's still setting up a pathway to horror's and his brother's recovery since something like they underwent was something that'll leave you scarred for life. Therapy won't make it go away, but it will help them learn how to manage it and get through all of it, and with farm and his brother helping horror and his papyrus.. they'd make sure that they will always have someone to confide in.
   Hours passed after that moment, papyrus was already asleep and horror had just been about to go to sleep as well with farm. He could feel his eyes getting heavy, being slightly startled by the feeling of an hand interlaced with his which he turned to face farm. "No matter what happens to you or me, I just want you to know that I love you so so much and that if you ever need to talk to me about something like this or just you want to talk to me about anything ever.. that I'm here for you, I won't judge you for what you may say or how you feel about it since everyone processes things differently. I just want you to know that I'm here for you, okay?" Horror nodded, resting his head on farm's chest and was silent for a good while before finally speaking "I know we don't like promises.. but promise..?" Horror asked, offering his pinkie to farm to which farm chuckled, sealing the pinkie promise. "I promise, always. Now, let's go to sleep okay? We've had an long day didn't we ror..?" Horror just nodded, pressing a kiss against farm's cheek before smiling. "Yeah.. goodnight, I love ya. See you in the morning okay?" And with that the two succumbed to a warm slumber.

The end! Apologies for my slow work speed!

Up next: yandere fresh x blue, horror killer, blazed negativity

Hope you enjoyed!

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