octopus chicken sandwich <3

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I keep getting more creative with these names I swear- anyways we've got another wonderful request from another wonderful person: GhamzehPmd ! This chapter includes vampires, there will be blood and violence. hopefully I didn't take too long when writing this! Also Lemon is also included. Along with pregnant.

Nightmare had landed into an odd au, he had looked around for a few moments. He was a very odd skeleton since most people's reactions at first is to ask for where they are or try to leave, not nightmare though, he just went ahead and started killing. He needed to collect as much negativity as he could, unbeknownst of his two admirers from afar watching him. It had been two humans... well not completely human, they had wings so they obviously weren't completely human.
The smell of blood had been everywhere, it was such a strong scent but since the bodies of whom the blood was spilled upon were deceased now they couldn't quite feed and get much. However, nightmare had much more fresh, delicious blood. Swad and Ds had exchanged a glance, this skeleton had intrigued the two very very much. Perhaps they could spare him and take him in for a little while, and so they did.
The next morning nightmare had woken up in a bed, fresh bite marks lingered on his neck. He didn't remember falling asleep or being taken here so it's very obvious he would be panicking. He looked around, trying to find a way out when two human passing figures had appeared, their wings bouncing as they made their way over to the bed. "Huh..very odd- never thought I'd see vampires here." Nightmare had mumbled to himself, in a way he had a bit of a fascination with vampires mostly due to those odd really sappy vampire romance books.
The two had been looking for a queen, so they had dated nightmare over a course of a few months and eventually nightmare had fallen in love back. Nightmare had been in a sort of mood, he just wanted affection and to be loved on. So, he went over to his two lovers, wrapping his arms around Ds and burying his face in their shoulder. "Oh? Is something wrong, love?" He had asked, now picking nightmare up.
Nightmare had whispered something to Ds, getting a little grin from them as he now carried him and had set them down on the bed. "Stay here for a few moments, okay love?" Nightmare would nod, curious on what Ds was going to do. Ds went to inform swad, now the two made their way over to the room to join nightmare on the bed.
(The lemon begins here!)
He was unaware the two had another plan except from cuddling but he would enjoy it either way. It was nightmare's birthday today, they had another surprise for him but that would wait until after. Swad had hugged nightmare, a small click was heard as something was felt around his neck. It was a collar, it wasn't uncomfortable and had lace on it.
"Hm? What's this for?" Nightmare had asked, feeling the collar's little flower design that was in the lace. "Well, me and ds had wanted to give ya a gift buttt that is if you agree darling!" Swad had said, this left nightmare intrigued. Perhaps he would enjoy this. "Mh... alright." Swad would smile, quite happy they had agreed.
Ds and swad had began taking off their clothes, nightmare following and doing the same. He was curious on what they had planned for this gift. Swad set nightmare down on top of them, they hadn't summoned anything yet. They were simply just getting into position first, that's all.
Once they were in position then they summoned their ectobodys, they were ready now. Ds had decided they'd tease nightmare, swad had caught on to this little plan of theirs and had decided to do the same. They wanted to hear nightmare shout for them, squirm on top of him, everything. The two had began to rub against nightmare's entrance, they had to get him ready of course and so why not tease a little before they do so? It makes sense, atleast to swad and Ds.
After a few moments, they stopped altogether. Nightmare was confused before having let out an odd noise, ds had pulled nightmare on top of them and was currently eating them out. (Phrasing this was a bit odd for me-) "ahn~!" Nightmare had buried his face in Swad's shoulder, swad grinning. Nightmare looked absolutely adorable to swad.
"You're doing so well pet~" swad had purred, lightly squeezing nightmare's breasts which in turn had made nightmare a little bit louder. He had wanted this to stop, he wanted their teasing to stop so that they could make him feel so so very good. "Stop- nh~ teasing~!" They'd stop, having now repositioned themselves. "It seems our pet it is talking back to their masters~ perhaps they deserve a punishment, what do you think ds~?" Ds would nod, agreeing to this punishment for nightmare.
The two would slam into nightmare, nightmare shrieking, a mix of pain and pleasure that he'd have to adjust to. After a few moments of waiting he did adjust, now giving the two a signal to start moving in which they'd obey. "Mh~! More~! Hff..please~!" Nightmare had never felt such a feeling before, despite knowing of this act he's never actually participated in it. They had picked up their paces, nightmare holding onto anything close to him.
Swad had begun to slightly slap nightmare's rear(didn't wanna say butt or Ahs so y'all get rear-), leaving a few red marks there but it didn't hurt nightmare and he had actually really seemed to enjoyed it since he did get loud again. After a little bit, nightmare had released the two others following and doing the same. Swad and Ds had pulled out leaving a heavily panting nightmare. After a little bit nightmare had fallen asleep, leaving swad and Ds alone to get the next birthday surprise for nightmare, it was a kitten.
The kitten's pelt was gray with lots of black markings all over, the most noticeable being the markings near their eyes. Their yellow eyes had a sort of black marking between them that had resembled those of a raccoons.  Nightmare would surely enjoy this little gift, nightmare had a little bit of an appreciation for cats only because of his ex who had a bunch of them, in a way he shared a similarity to cats. Both he and cats were similar in the fact that many thought of them as jerks at first and don't really take time to get to know them first.
After a little while nightmare had woken up, feeling sore. He didn't really celebrate his birthday but he had still found it quite nice the others had wanted to do so even if they didn't necessarily have to. Swad and Ds came into the room with a box, setting the box down carefully. "How'd you sleep love?" Ds had now asked, muffled meows could be heard from the box, nightmare smiled. "I slept well, whatcha got there?" He now pointed at the box.
"You'll see darling, open it!" Swad had said, smiling excitedly like a little kid who came to their parents with a drawing they were really proud of. Nightmare couldn't help but smile even if just a little, he'd nod now opening the box to see two amber eyes staring up at him. He didn't see the kitten for very long, but he was already set on a name, raccoon. Raccoon curiously poked their head out from the box, staring at nightmare.
A few days later they had ended up finding out that nightmare had been pregnant, well pregant isn't really the best term for what nightmare was but it was pretty close, close enough. So, swad, Ds and nightmare had went to the store to prepare for the baby that was coming sooner or later. While they were there getting stuff nightmare had seen some people staring at him, well staring was an understatement, he could sense an feeling of overwhelming jealousy from the people. Once they had left, nightmare had noticed they were following him and his lovers, this gave nightmare a bad bad feeling about this.
He kept his guard up, but that probably wasn't the most helpful thing. Something had hit nightmare's head and he didn't remember anything after that other than the blurred colors and the muffled sounds of what seemed to be screaming. Nightmare woke up in a hospital, luckily he and the baby had been alright despite what had happened, sometimes it just seems that nightmare has awful luck. His lovers had been worried about him, so when they were let into the room he was immediately given their warm embrace, swad and Ds had been glad that nightmare was alright after what happened.
Turns out, someone threw a rock at his head and it hit just right to cause nightmare to fall like he did, those people wouldn't be bothering him anymore now though. For the sake of censorship, those people got the equivalent of hitting someone in survival with sixty four dogs in Minecraft though technically this could apply to real life as well. Once they had gotten home from the hospital nightmare had immediately laid down on the couch, exhausted. Stars, he hated people so much sometimes, sometimes was an understatement since nightmare really wasn't a people person. He hadn't yet thought of a name for the baby but nightmare figured that he'd figure it out later, it was for future him to worry.
Indeed, because now it was winter and it had been heavily snowing for the past few days, unknown to nightmare and his lovers was the fact that today was the day the baby would be born. Everything was so nice and peaceful for a little bit..until. Swad and Ds had immediately rushed nightmare over to the hospital, once there they were told to wait. After a long,long,longgg while they were allowed to come in and see their baby.
A little ball of energy was held in nightmare's arm, a cyan and yellowish mix of colors. It was a ball of energy formed out of a balance. Swad had looked at the date, December twenty fifth, Christmas. "You have any names love?" Ds had now asked the exhausted nightmare. "What do you two think of Christmas?" Swad would smile, ds nodding. "I love it darling!" Nightmare would smile, slowly starting to drift off to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed! Sorry I took so long!

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