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Hehe swap lust ship name I created :D anyways, thank you to sanslover1234 for requesting!
This chapter contains:
swap x lust
                  Now we shall proceed!

Lust often watched over swap's training sessions, even giving some advice on certain things like how to improve flexibility. Today, it was extra hot out. Ever since swap and his au had gotten onto the surface thanks to Chara's help, everyone's been doing great, although some people struggled with getting used to the weather.
       He watched as swap took off his long sleeve shirt, loosely tying it around his waist. Lust was ashamed to admit that swap looked good like that, he usually didn't get those kind of thoughts about his friend. Or, well.. recently he hasn't been feeling all that friendly towards swap. It's not like he hated swap or anything, it's just that he's been dealing with some more..romantic feelings. He's never really had anyone that treated him as well as swap does, someone who was always kind, thoughtful, and overall just a good person. He's never really had any of that with some past relationships, it's either one or the other. But he also valued his friendship with swap since swap was such a great guy. He didn't want to mess it up when swap was just so sweet to him, it isn't often he had close friends either.

        Swap panted, letting his summoned blue bones disappear. Lust couldn't help but stare, trying not to think too much. He figured it'd be best if swap took a break, especially since he's been running around in this heat without taking much breaks. "Don't you think it's about time you took a break hun? It's hot out and you haven't taken any breaks, not even to drink water, I'm sure that can't be good for you. Even if it's just for water, a small break is good since you would be getting some energy back, right?"
       "Hm, well i guess that's reasonable! But just for a little bit that way I can continue practicing, I don't really like training in the dark." Swap sat down besides lust, taking the water bottle that lust had offered to him, smiling as he murmured his gratitude. The two sat in silence for a little while, swap had decided he'd turn in early for today. He figured that lust would get bored of watching him fight a dummy after a bit so he just thought it was probably best if they did something together. "You wanna have a sleepover? I have bought the rainbow marshmallows! When me and papyrus were shopping I found some so I just thought you'd like them! Although- now I wonder if it's possible to s'more them- it should work the same! Unless it's like the cereal marshmallows since those aren't as fluffy-"
     Lust could listen to swap talk all day, he liked seeing him get happy about these kinds of things it was just so sweet. "Sure, I'll meet back at your house at five, then? I gotta get my stuff since these clothes aren't all that comfy to sleep in, you'd be surprised just how bad it can be-" [onceler.jpeg]
      Time passed, five arriving much quicker than expected and lust was already running late due to some.. unexpected issues. By that, it was basically him forgetting to pack clothes and the essentials but also because he fell asleep. So, he got there at five-thirty and when he arrived at the door, his bag went flying as well as himself and swap.
    "Hey you came! I was starting to get worried!" Swap beamed, pulling lust up and taking his bag. The house was empty, it'd be just the two of them for the sleepover. "Oh, right! Papyrus isn't going to be here, Alphys dragged him and Napstablook to do- something- I hope to stars they aren't trying to put bath bombs in the toilet again.. Although I'm hopeful that she'd be getting him to exercise a bit more! He needs it, he can't just be lazy all day or else he'd feel bad!" Lust so adored Swap's rambling.
    Once inside the house they got up to some usual sleepover activities; making hot chocolate, watching movies, beating each other up with pillows, making pizza, yeah, the usual.
     Lust was currently in swap's room, watching a romance movie. Lust didn't really like horror movies- and swap liked romance movies because he thought they were really nice and just cute since the couples were just so sweet to each other. Lust watched the romance scenes happen, sneakily placing his hand towards swaps. Swap who had grabbed lust's hand back, the two just awkwardly holding hands for a little while. Despite the obvious awkwardness this was quite peaceful in general. When the movie ended, the silence broke abruptly, swap shouting out a sort of confession, holding lust's hands.  "I love you-!"
    Lust was slightly startled by the sudden exclamation, but the words being said were much more important, he mumbled his reply back, his face flushing pink as swap had cupped his cheeks, kissing him made him feel loved and special. He kissed back, hands on his shoulders as he did so. "I love you too-!"
    The two kept exchanging kisses, it slowly evolving into making out on the beanbag. Lust had so many thoughts flooding his head, about making them official, about all sorts of things. Swap however was more focused on expressing his love for lust, even now he made sure to be careful with lust and not spook him. "Do you think it'd be okay if we..?" He trailed off, not wanting to directly say it. Lust nodded, he had perhaps gotten a little riled up too so he didn't mind..besides swap is respectful and would never do anything to hurt him.
     They were now undressed, swap on top of lust, trailing kisses from his forehead all the way down to lust's stomach. He couldn't help but just admire the tattoos, his fingers tracing the intricate designs of what kind of  resembled Henna, he's seen Henna on humans and they were just so pretty, especially the flower ones. He gently set lust's legs on his shoulders, kissing his thigh as he did so. Swap was so very affectionate, it was probably his greatest aspect since you could easily tell when he cared about someone.
     Swap rutted against lust, the sound of shallow breathing and little whimpers beginning to fill the room, lust beginning to dig his fingers into the soft mattress, the thin sheets were no help to protect the mattress from his claws. Although they weren't doing anything too invasive, it still riled both of them up and felt good.
    For lust, it was something uncommon from what usually goes on and he was always eager for something different. For swap? This was gentle and he simply wasn't ready for going too much further yet, rubbing against each other like this was just baby steps into what'll eventually become more when they're both ready.

The end, sorry for the long wait! I figured I'd do something a little different for the smut this time!

Up next: outerkiller, oneshot for me, blue moon, and a couple others that I'll name in the next ones

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