Yandere killer x cross <3

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This was requested by nobody I just made it because I had been thinking about it nonstop! Just a heads up! This chapter can get quite disturbing, it will contain blood, mental asylums, Gore and much more. If these topics upset you I highly advise you not to read!

Cross had woken up in a bed, he had been tied down with a rope. The whole room reeked of blood, a odd skeleton with black tear like marks stood beside cross's bed. "Good morning sleepy head! Hm..you seem so confused!" The skeleton grinned, cross only stayed silent. "Well, you may be asking why you're here! To put it simply, you massacred a whole bunch of people!" Cross would suddenly jolt up, the ropes had held him down still. "What?!". They'd gently pushed them down a bit. "Calm down, anyways! I'll be your caretaker so we'll spend lots of time together! It'll be fun! Oh! I'm killer by the way!" Cross only stared at killer as if he was crazy, and in this case killer was. Killer shouldn't even be working here, he should've been a patient here instead.
Killer had moved the bed, which probably wasn't even a bed but it was bed enough despite the fact that it had wheels. "Where are we going..?" Cross had asked killer, but killer simply just ignored him. After a few minutes cross was in a room that was completely padded so that he couldn't kill anyone. The room had it's own bed, so killer had to untie cross from the bed with wheels. Cross only just looked at killer. "Why don't I remember killing anyone..?" Killer just smiled and flicked cross on the forehead. "Because, you're messed up inside! Something is wrong with you cross, but that's alright something is wrong with me too!" Clearly. Cross had thought to himself.
"Hm...well, since we're going to be together forever we can try and get to know each other better!" Cross knew something was off with killer but didn't want to question it since killer seemed like the type that had access to any weapon. "How about we play a game to get to know each other better!" Cross was hesitant at first but he agreed eventually. "Okay so what's the game?" Cross would ask, looking up at killer. Killer grinned.
"You'll see! Here, I'll go get us something to drink like juice or water!" Killer left the room and vanished down the halls of the asylum. After what felt like an eternity of waiting killer came back with two cups, he gave one to cross. Cross Stared at the cup, it had been filled with a clear liquid. He looked back up at killer. "What is in the cup, killer?" Killer had already drank whatever had been in the cup. "Hm? Oh! It's just this weird off brand Sprite the staff is allowed to have! But shh, you're the only one who can have it! I give you special permission!" Cross had been quite thirsty so he had drank it, but it had burnt his throat at first and he was currently coughing.
"Killer..! What did you do..!" Killer only grinned. "Hm, such a shame! I really thought it was going to be much harder to knock you out! Oh well, enjoy your little nap love!" Cross's consciousness had started to fade to black and eventually he had passed out. Cross woke up in a room,the walls had been painted a blood red ish color. Killer had been sitting beside cross, watching something and eating popcorn. "Oh! Good morning sleepyhead!"
He only glared at killer in response, he wanted to get away from him but immediately noticed something was off. His whole body had felt numb and when he had tried to move...he couldn't. "Oh? Yeah I forgot to tell you! You're paralyzed now and you'll be living with me, forever!" ... "Forever..? Isn't that illegal? You practically kidnapped me!" Killer would grin. "Yep it is illegal, you're so smart! And that is why you will keep your mouth shut!"

......It has been two years since Killer had first taken cross. Killer had eliminated anyone who knew about cross and his disappearance. They were at the front of the church, it had been decorated in ! lovely flowers that had been red,white,yellow, purple, and blue. A cinnamon lava cake with chocolate sat on a table decorated with a white table cloth.
Killer had smiled happily, he now leaned in towards a unconscious cross and gave them a soft kiss on the cheek. He looked around at all the dead bodies spread around the area, he now took a bloody knife and had cut the cake with it. "Isn't our wedding lovely cross? ...And now you're going to be officially all mine forever and nobody can get between us!"

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