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Contains: dreamswap dream, swad, and nightmare. Bara (big men), smut and kinki stuffs, and finally neko nightmare also- sorry- he/she pronouns for nightmare.

With all this out the way, we may now proceed-

also please do not say swear words in comments since I've noticed Wapa doesn't like that and it makes it harder for my blind bat self to read it when it's oddly transparent, again we shall begin sorry for taking so long!

Nightmare stood in front of his desk, his tail Swaying side to side as he tampered with the serum he was making. It was to potentially disarm the stars team..of course it wouldn't kill them; only merely disarm them in a battle. She'd hum to herself, an idea popping into her head to make the serum stronger. So, she had made her way down the hallways to retrieve the ingredients that he needed to make the serum stronger, unbeknownst to him two very mischievous 'little' birdies had snuck into the room and had found the serum. Swad already had ahold of it, examining it closely as he now looked at Ds. "What do you think this is for? You think she wouldn't mind if we had just a little taste?" He'd ask, grinning. Ds however shook his head. "I don't think we should drink that, it could kill us- besides he made it for a reason and so she'd probably be upset if we did." He spoke in such a firm voice.. unfortunately, swad had a means to convince everyone as he was just that devilishly charming..he just kissed him and told him it'll be fine and that if something bad happens there's probably an antidote. So here they were, in nightmare's room, drinking a small amount of the serum in shot glasses as if it was some fancy blue colored wine or something. 
   Obviously, nothing good comes with drinking mysterious liquids off of your girlfriend's work desk in a glass bottle that obviously said: "don't drink, for the stars." It wasn't until a matter of minutes that the two began to feel the effects beginning to set in and boy, Ds was internally cursing swad out for being such a convincing guy. Nightmare was already on her way back and if he found out she'd be really upset then, considering he's been working really hard on this. Ds had found out that the serum they drunk.. triggers heats. Not fun, but swad was placing ideas in his head about how to help with it and oh..he couldn't resist those thoughts now. Nightmare had entered his room again, seeing swad and Ds laying on the floor and that the serum seemed to be lessened now.  It occured to her what had happened, the tail flicking in slight irritation. "Do you two have something to say for yourselves?" He'd ask, crossing his arms. Almost in perfect unison, the two had apologized. "We're sorry midnight.." she'd sigh, looking at the two.  "At least you regret it, I'm assuming you two need help, right?"  Swad had nodded eagerly, getting up and pulling Ds up as well.
    Nightmare had laid down on his bed, tucking a pillow underneath her head and back so that he'd be mad comfy. Those two were quite big on their own..if she'd die from this, at least she'd be having fun?, he'd just be really really sore afterwards. Ds hummed, beginning to undress nightmare and then helping swad out of his clothes. Swad in turn, had done the same for him before looking down at nightmare and taking in the sight of him. Ds was instinctively captivated by the soft breasts, nuzzling his face between them as nightmare had spread his legs for swad. Swad had instantly moved between his boyfriend's legs, pressing soft, gentle kisses along her thighs before he had suddenly stopped and began to use his tongue. A noise had escaped nightmare, Ds having lightly squeezed one of the breasts beforehand. It really didn't take long until the room devolved into moaning, nightmare was finally prepared for the both of them. "Midnight, we'll take such good care of you~" swad had cooed, peppering nightmare's face with kisses before he had slowly pushed in, Ds doing the same.
  The three had constantly shifted positions as they did this, nightmare was such an quick release. But the two didn't seem to be stopping at all. There was quite a noticeable outline of the two's lengths inside nightmare. "Darling you're doing so well~ you're such a good boy~!" Ds had mumbled something, nightmare was a bit too overstimulated to make sense of his words but swad had heard too and had simply said them again, louder for her to hear. "You think he's got a breeding kink? Really? Well then, why not indulge it?" Swad chuckled, beginning to purposely aim towards a specific spot, ds having noticed this change and doing the same.
  Together those three ended up lasting till morning, before they were all done and tired out. Swad and Ds had pulled out, admiring their work of soft bite marks and hickeys that marked up a whole bunch of nightmare's body. Not to mention the fact that they had gone until morning, that was quite a lot of rounds.. it's impressive how nightmare and them even have the stamina possible to even achieve this. Although it's likely that he will be very sore for awhile, swad and ds were rough on her.. especially considering they were much bigger than him- that's definitely gonna be sore. Currently, nightmare was passed out, tired from the night of events they had. Swad had taken this as an invitation to help clean up considering nightmare would be too tired to do so and it was simply common decency to do so since they couldn't just let her lay in mess or have to clean up when he could barely even walk, that wouldn't be nice at all.
  When clean up was finished, the two had joined nightmare in the new nice clean bed sheets. "You'd make a great mother darling.." swad yawned as he said this, now falling asleep as his wings covered nightmare and Ds.

Hope you enjoyed, I have one more request to finish and then I'll finally be on a small break from this book, I will come back sooner or later don't worry! I just wanna work on other projects, till next time!

Next up: Nightmare getting bullied

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