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• this contains fluff, the ship dust/murder x killer, killer being insecure
• request by Astronumerology

Killer had stared into the mirror, the mirror that had reflected him well, who he was actually. He didn't like that he could see who he was actually, it didn't feel like him or perfectly match up. And...it bothered him, very very much so. He hated how the first thing he saw was a murderer, a murderer with ugly black tears that had killed everyone he had held dear at some point in his life, a murderer who had killed with no emotions attached until everyone had been gone. A murderer who wasn't facing any sort of justice for his actions, who could not feel any remorse for what he had done to countless lives, someone who was numb on the inside to a certain extent, someone who had to feel something very strongly to be able to cry or express anything else, he hated it, he hated himself and he hated just how he was.
    Dust had looked all over the castle for killer, checking various rooms and even asking nightmare, the reason why? He had noticed that lately something was off about his lover, he couldn't quite place his finger on it but he knew something was off with how quiet his usually talkative boyfriend was. Eventually he had made it into killer's room, why that had been the last place to check? Killer wasn't usually in there a lot and was often with him, horror, nightmare, or bothering cross.   He had frowned upon seeing killer upset like this, now approaching slowly not to startle killer and wrapping his arms around him. He had a feeling as to what killer could've been feeling. "Another one of those days?" He'd ask, pulling killer over to their bed and sitting him down so that killer was away from the mirror. Killer had nodded, not quite being able to really look dust in the eyes. Dust had taken off his cap, setting it down on killer's head. "Don't listen to what those voices say, okay? You're worth the whole multiverse to me, I'd even tear apart the whole multiverse looking for you if something were to happen to you. Killer, you deserve to be happy just as much as anyone else here don't let the voices or anyone else tell you otherwise. And if someone does give me names, I'll beat the snot out of them for ya." He'd noogie killer's head, getting a few chuckles out of his teared up lover. Killer had smiled, pulling dust into a tight hug as he could feel tears beginning to fall to which dust had wiped away with his thumb. Dust had known he was the luckiest person to ever have met killer, let alone be with him and if someone or some dumb doubts were going to bother killer he was going to make sure they can't do that any longer as killer had been special to him, so very special to him.
Dust had cupped killer's cheeks, beginning to pepper his face with kisses all over, getting a couple more giggles out of killer until it eventually turned into those two cuddling and stealing kisses from each other, dust  tickling killer and trying to get him to laugh and smile. Who would've thought that someone so quiet, so unpredictable could be so sweet and caring? Dust really did care for killer, so did horror and the rest of the crew. Everyone had cared deeply for killer, it was like a family and honestly? Killer wouldn't have it any other way. He loved dust, and he loved his little family he had found. It wasn't perfect, but nobody was truly perfect, family was chaotic and wild yet they were supportive and caring, always sticking by your side. And..as long as killer had lived, dust would love to stay by killer's side, no matter what came their way, no matter what would happen in the near and possibly far future, all he knew is that he wanted his future to have killer in it and killer could say the exact same thing about having wanted dust to be in the future with him, until death would part them, only momentarily of course since wherever the other was, dust was soon to be with them, even when apart they never truly were apart.
Killer and dust's love had surpassed so many things, so many difficulties, so many battles, so many arguments and makeups, their love was strong enough to surpass a hundred year war if they could even live that long.  Killer smiled, giving dust a kiss as he wrapped his legs around dust's waist. "I love you killer, and...it you'd like you can keep my hat, that way you'd always have a part of me by your side forever." Killer would nod, simply holding dust close as the two had stayed together like this.
It didn't take long before the both of them were asleep, cuddling. Nightmare had entered the room, a soft smile on his face as he had taken a blanket, pulling it over the two so that they could be warm and not end up getting sick or anything. He'd sigh, sitting besides the bed. "What will I ever do with you two? Always getting into trouble, family is nothing but trouble. But I do suppose that's what makes you love em, even if sometimes you wanna get rid of em-"  nightmare muttered to himself, he didn't need sleep so after he finished checking on those two he had went to go check on the others, even visiting dream despite the two being on non-speaking terms. He was mostly willed to do so by passive.
   Once everyone was asleep nightmare had went to his library, opening a scrap book and glueing a photo of dust and killer into the scrap book, he decorated the page and even wrote a date for the photo. He was keeping track of all these memories in case of the day he dies or forgets everyone. When he dies nightmare had wanted his boys to find it and look back at the memories, he didn't want them to cry.

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