octopies and chicks

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aaa I think I'm starting to run out of names- we've got another request frommmmmmmmmmmm GhamzehPmd !
• neko, fem nightmare
highschool au

Nightmare had gotten off her bike, today was her first day of her new school after she had been transferred due to an incident that ended in two hospitalizations, luckily nobody died though but she fought well to say the least. She had set her bike on the bike rack, making sure to secure it so that nobody could steal it if they just passed by and thought 'ooo a bike for me,so shiny so clean, mine now!'. She had walked into the entrance of the school, making it into her class. She could practically feel all the eyes on her as she had walked over to her new seat which had been besides a trio of humans. The humans in question had been quite tall compared to her and the rest of her new classmates, though they had been fairly attractive. One was more flirty and more clingy, another one being serious, while the last one was just loud and somewhat whiny ish. What a nice first impression huh?
The trio had ended up inviting nightmare to hang out later and from that very day she had been with them ever since, even getting into a relationship with the three of them. It was now senior year, swad, Ds, shattered, and nightmare were celebrating after leaving prom. The three had decided to just have a little sleepover and simply just hang out with each other at the moment. Swad had managed to steal some fancy water- essentially just sparkling flavored water from the prom. Ds had looked at nightmare, a confused look on his face.
"What?" She had returned the look, Ds shrugging slightly. "Isn't it hot in your dress? Like- it's more winter themed than anything- like it looks like you're ready for a winter prom or somethin-" shattered covered his mouth. "Shush! She looks like a princess, tendo! But yeah- it does look hot and heavy- did you bring something to change into or?" Ds was annoyed by said nickname from one of his lovers, pulling nightmare into a hug as swad smirked. "Must be so hot..why don't you take it off darling~?" Nightmare huffed, getting up. "Fine fine, perverts-" she had smirked, her tail swishing from side to side.
     Teasingly slow she had taken off her dress, revealing her body to her lovers. Ds had tried not to stare, he was much more of a gentleman than shattered and swad were. "Remember when like- sophomore year everyone had been thirsting over us and was jealous because we ended up getting together at the end of the year and that I fought some kid?" Shattered now asked, simply reminiscing on the past few years, a grin on his face. Swad nodded, playfully punching shattered in the shoulder as Ds had watched. "Yeah, you kinda started crying when they punched you back though- must've hurt then dear~?" Shattered looked away, embarrassed that swad had even remembered that part to it but shattered was good with his hands to say the least- not just in fighting. (WINK WONK ;D SSHBSHJBS I'M SO SORRY)


She had watched as the others had pulled down their pants, revealing their huge lengths. Nightmare had gulped, not quite sure if she could take all of them at once. Shattered had something else his mind, using his hands. What could I say? shattered's good at using his hands. So swad had pulled nightmare up onto his lap his length poking her from behind while Ds's length poked her from the front, the two had not yet entered.
Slowly they had begun to enter, shattered watching for a good few moments and waiting for nightmare to adjust to the others.
Once she had adjusted, shattered began using his hands to his advantage to pleasure nightmare. She had already been quite wet on her own, swad whispering dirty things into her ears definitely did something for her with how tightly she had been squeezing around swad and ds's lengths. "Such a good girl~ you're doing amazing darling~"
Like this they had went for a couple of rounds, a noticeable bulge in her stomach. (probably not anatomically correct- sorries) they had made it so that it would be difficult for her to release, getting her close and then stopping before beginning to tease. It had gone like that for a bit and already she was growing impatient because of it. She had wanted to release, eventually the three had decided to let her.
She had released heavily, yelling her lover's names as she had intertwined her fingers with them as they had continued through her release until they had done the same as well, now pulling out and flopping down besides her. "You did so well darling, do you want us to get you cleaned up first or do you wanna just cuddle?" Nightmare had panted, catching her breathe. "Cuddle, just cuddle- too tired for bath-" Ds had chuckled, nodding as he had pulled a blanket over the four of them and had pulled nightmare close, begining to pepper her face all over with lots and lots of little kisses. Swad and shattered deciding to do the same, also petting her along with it since they knew nightmare had really liked that as well.
In the morning shattered had made breakfast for nightmare while swad had set up a bath for nightmare and ds had taken it as his job to clean up the room after last night's events. Once she was fed and cleaned up nightmare had went back to enjoying some more cuddly time with her lover's, stealing kisses from all of them and generally just enjoying their company and warmth. Especially from their warm and fluffy jackets that she had been currently laying on and cuddling with her lovers with.
Dream, her sister, was supposed to come by today as well but once she had came over she had seen nightmare and her boyfriends all cuddling and had decided to leave them be, unaware of the events that had happened last night.

The end! Hope you liked! :D

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