kfc with some calamari

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This request was requested by: GhamzehPmd !
This chapter contains: smut, bara(big men)heat, neko nightmare swapdream(big yellow bird that's flirty), Ds dream(big yellow bird that's usually serious), and nightmare(usually grumpy octopus) also, they most likely won't have their canon personalities also nightmare uses both she and he pronouns in this
(It's starting right off the bat with smutty heat stuff this time!)

Nightmare had been curled up on his bed in a nest of blankets and jackets of his lovers. Every hour wasted had gotten progressively worse and hotter as he could feel the warmth between her legs grow worse and worse. She could hear the door click close, nightmare squirming in his little nest. He was feeling much too ashamed to be seen like this by his lovers, even though they have indeed seen her like this before. She had wished nothing more for this heat to end already, her tentacles twitching with irritation. He had heard footsteps, loud footsteps. Nightmare could've instantly told who it had belonged to and honestly he was excited because he knew that his lovers would help him feel all better. Swad and Ds had made their way into the room, swad couldn't help but grin as he had seen nightmare. Ds was trying to not look and be respectful, although it was kind of hard to do that with the whines that escaped nightmare. Nightmare hated this, even if it was something was often reoccurred she had hated it with such a burning passion that she'd rather hide the fact that she was in heat, but not this time. This time it was much too strong for him to hide and just bury himself in blankets and wait it out. "You need help darling~?" Swad was already quite eager to help nightmare, even if with how he towered over her that could potentially mean accidentally hurting her but he knew to be gentle unless he was told by nightmare to go rough. Ds though had more respect, he wasn't as perverted as swad was but he was getting ideas. Nightmare's tail would flick in irritation, already needy for the two. "Pleaseee, hurry uppp and help me!" Ds had given swad a polite elbow nudge as if to say 'go on, don't tease her.' Swad made a little huffing noise, getting the message very fluently, he had began to strip himself of all and any clothes that he had kept on his body. Nightmare didn't need to undress already having done it much earlier due to the warmth absolutely burning across his body.
   Ds had done the same, taking a slower amount of time to get undressed than with how eager swad had been- ds is just a little bit sleepy, that's all. "Alright alright, you have to be patient pet~" swad had said smirking as he had began to pepper nightmare's face with kisses all over, picking him up and holding her over both ds and swad's 'love sticks' as swad would teasingly call it. Swad had slowly eased nightmare down, taking a bit to get him adjusted to the feeling and the pain. As this happened, DS would hold his hand and kiss his face, telling him that he was doing so well, that she was being such a good girl.
   After some time had passed, the two began moving as nightmare had practically spilled both their names from her mouth. It wasn't long before she had ended up releasing, squeezing down tightly onto the both of them, causing ds and dead to release as well. Although it didn't end, swad having changed his pace to a much more rougher one while Ds kept at a nice, gentle pace as he was just the gentlest-iestn of gentleman. This had kept on for quite a long time, going on for several rounds that had felt like hundreds. By the time they did finish, nightmare had practically passed out, much too tired to mumble a quiet 'i love you' to the others but honestly anyone would've been that tired too, especially with how she could barely speak afterwards with how loud she had been being. Ds had cuddled up to him, quickly falling asleep afterwards even though the sheets were now horribly dirtied by their... let's just say- 'cream filling'. Swad had cuddled up with them as well, not really minding the mess after all, he saw it as art- in a weird way.
     Ds nightmare shuddered, shutting the door very quietly as to hide the fact that he walked in on that situation. He looked to Ds cross with that traumatized expression, mouthing to them that they should probably leave. "Huh- why? What happened-?" He'd just whisper, wondering what had happened to even cause such a reaction from the fierce almighty tinymare. "Let's just go cross- you wouldn't wanna know-" he'd pull cross by the scarf out of the castle, having met up with error.
    Nightmare honestly slept as good as a dead person after this and honestly? You can't blame him, he was sore everywhere. Luckily they did end up cleaning him up afterwards and such but- still that must've hurt very much for her- regarding sitting in the bath even if they did have to force her into the bath due to her pure and intensive hatred for water. Either way she did get a bath and the bed was clean afterwards so he still did end up sleeping just a little bit more and by a little that actually means he just ended up sleeping for a good twenty four hours- which honestly was just a little bit worrying for swad and ds since they had thought they might've accidentally killed her. Although luckily she was alright, just sore and tired but mostly sore absolutely everywhere from the throat to her.... hole. He was still glad that they did help him though, although he probably wouldn't have liked to admit just how grateful he had been.

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