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For: PeakyAspect! Contains: fluff, make-out, fell x sans, fell says fuk/some swears
Also, I had fun describing underfell weather like Florida weather, it was just funny

It's been a while since papyrus had moved out to go live with mettaton, sans currently laying on the couch, blanket draped over his body to keep him extra comfy, even though he was still wearing the jacket. He scrolled on his phone, grinning and chuckling at the comedic tomfoolery he often gets recommended, he was startled by the sound of his er er er er er ringtone.
         Sans blinked, taking a moment to check who was calling. It was fell, recently they had became boyfriends due to a not so subtle confession where fell, in the ketchup section, pretty much grabbed sans by the hands and told him they were boyfriends now, sans was flattered and thus began the boyfriend arc, that was about two weeks ago. He accepted the phonecall.
     "Hey, sweeth'art?" Fell began, "you mind if I stay over for awhile, you know how it is, fuck'in underfell weather.." he grumbled. Underfell apparently had a higher chance of tornadoes, blizzards, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, literally everything was increased and more common- not to mention the higher murder rates and all that. If it wasn't the natural disasters coming to spike your skull through the fence post, it's always the murderers.
     "Yeah, sure, what's goin' on over there?" Sans knew how the au was. there was a relief system in case a blizzard locked you in, but some of them were assholes or sucked at their job, fell's words, not his. underfell really puts the meaning into snowdin.
   "Another blizzard, this is like.. maybe the third one in the past 4 months. An' I forgot to stock up the fridge, can't really do much about it now.." there was more grumbling.
    As expected, sans did say yes, fell now arriving to his house. Sans yawned, stretching and getting up from the couch, opening the door for fell to enter the house. "So, how long ya think the Blizzard's gonna last? Do you think yer house is going to be okay?" He plopped back down on the couch, patting the spot next to him.
    "Maybe like.. three days, it better be fuckin' okay, can't afford a roof replacement if a tree crashes through it. Papyrus is going to be staying with undyne while it happens, they better not dust each other." Fell couldn't help but recall the time he, papyrus, and undyne were stuck in a house together- undyne decided it'd be funny to try and use him like a battering ram. It was not, that hurt.
    Sans chuckled, eyes half closed. "Well, until then you can stay, if your house decides to finally die then you can stay for awhile longer, heck, maybe forever if you really want." He shrugged, holding fell's hand. "I'm going to take a nap, you comin' red?" Although sans basically lived on the couch, he wasn't getting up to go to his mattress on the floor. This resolved in the two on top of each other, snoring.
      Day two quickly approached, the two ate, fell took a shower, sans took a little nap, and then they ate lunch. Currently, they are sat on the couch, playing a silly little racing game against other online players, sans cracking bad puns and jokes, fell raging and getting a little too..bite-y with his lingo- literally.
    fell tends to bite people sometimes- although for sans it was more like a little love language of sorts even when fell was angry. "God damn! STOP WITH THE TURTLE SHELLS YOU-" sans pulled fell into a kiss, interrupting whatever insult was about to be thrown at the poor suspecting victim. Fell's face quickly turned to his nicknames; red, cherry, occasionally lobster- He wrapped his arms around sans waist, pulling him close.
        "You needa take a break?" Fell was a sore loser and he probably had slight anger issues past what is considered normal amount on anger- but he couldn't deny that he would indeed need a break. Sans knew that too.
  Fell grumbled, nodding, watching as sans turned the game off and disconnected them both. He returned the kiss, his hands sort of just traveling up and into sans' jacket. It was nice and toasty for his hands.
       Sans chuckled. "I think we need to get you new gloves, eh?" He kissed him again, this starting to develop into making out, their hands not getting off of each other. It wasn't anything too intense, it was more casual, and loving, passionate but nothing too intense and overwhelming.
       "Mm..nah sweeth'art, I like it in here nice and cozy.." he kissed sans' neck, it was more ticklish than anything, getting a snort out of sans. He was pulled into another, more passionate kiss, this time just letting it stay like this, kind of just exploring each other's mouths, neither of them daring to pull away yet, it was easily found out that fell has a tongue piercing and that is actually pretty cool, that must've hurt though, sans wasn't exactly shy with this, probably getting a little too bold when feeling up fell, lightly hooking a finger under his ribcage and pulling him a little bit closer, gentle not to hurt him. And then, just like that, sans pulled away, yawning. He was sleepy now, and so was fell, who admittedly was left a little flustered.
      Fell had laid his head on sans' chest, the two holding hands as they drifted off to sleep. Fell had a very simple imagination; sleeping and cuddling with sans, bottles of mustard surrounding the couch, that's it, that's the dream.
        When they woke up, they repeated the same morning routine, by the time fell checked to go home, it was almost night. "Welp, s'pose I head out, seee ya sans." He kissed him on the top of his head, sans returning the gesture with a half asleep kiss on the nose and wave.
     "See ya, come back if yer house is broken, you know I don't mind." He was asleep again once fell was gone, luckily the house was fine but hey, this isn't going to be the last time they'd do this, underfell's weather is absolutely disastrous and fell can be a little clingy- he just doesn't like admitting that though.

Hope you enjoyed!

Up next; sheniless, gamerlag, destructivedeathmare, creme

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