Horror farm

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Requested byyyy: Sarah6298905
This is the first chapter I add a picture in- just a little testy test thing to experiment and such!
So! Let's get into what this contains!

This chapter contains: Horrorfarm/bloodycrops or rottencrops, most likely purposely misspelled words to make it sound like farm speaks in country accent instead of whatever the heck I do for everyone else's speaking- horror doesn't speak much and often signs in this,  andddd Fluff.
Signing is going to be in italic like that, farm's talking is just normal "dialogue")

Horror had watched sitting in the shade of a tree, watching as farm had harvested some of the crops from one of the nearby fields, he wasn't usually allowed to help due to his tendency to not know his strength which results in odd incidents. The sun was setting, painting the sky in beautiful colors of rossa Corsa, coral, cantaloupe, and lavender, the clouds that were colored coral had slightly hidden the setting sun.  Horror just watched, having never seen something like this back at home. It was nice and oddly comforting, he could already hear the chirping of the birds in the distance beginning to quiet down as most of them had decided they would go to sleep so that they could wake up early. By the time farm had finished, it was already dark. Horror didn't mind the dark, in fact he was so used to it that he would've made a great hunter if he had needed to hunt. Although, food was much more stable here than back at home. Horror would often bring some home for him and papyrus when he did visit his boyfriend farm.
"Yer ready to head in, big guy?" Farm asked, crouching down besides him with the basket of crops. They always had later dinners, although not all the crops were used in the food- only some since farm often sells some of it to buy other things that they'd need. Horror would nod, getting up. He lightly tugged on the sleeve of farm's shirt, farm turning his gaze to horror. May I carry the basket? Horror signed, farm smiling softly. "Ye, sure! Careful, Kay?" He would hand horror the basket of crops, the two of them heading over towards the house. Farm has been making sure that horror and his brother are being able to eat well, he had wished to someday have the both of them stay here so that they could always have something to eat and not starve as much as they often did back at home. Although horror was still attached to his home au, since naturally before everything went bad he still remembered some of the better memories he had with his friends.
  Farm went inside the house with horror, going to the kitchen and getting the eggs out of the fridge as horror set the basket down on the counter. There was no such things as specific recipes in farm's house, whatever they could mash together was good. Besides, lots of it was healthy and it tasted good so it wasn't bad or anything it was nice. Horror took some of the crops that farm had told him to and had washed them before beginning to chop them up while farm had cooked the eggs. It was something simple, literally just all sorts of vegetables that made a salad with an egg in it, that was literally the food. Once everything was finished, they sat down at the table and began eating. Horror ate rather quickly, although farm didn't mind since he thought that meant that horror likes it. There is another reason, though, as to why he subconsciously eats so fast. Although with horror's au, it wasn't worth being asked about since farm knew what went down there..it saddens him that good people have to go through something like this.
    It's been a month since then, horror had recently decided to move in with farm and bring his brother along. The two had gotten settled in quite easily, papyrus especially was excited about this whole thing while horror had been a bit anxious about it since they had left all of their friends behind and even though what has happened had affected friendships..horror still cared for his friends.  But nonetheless horror was quite grateful that farm was letting him and his brother stay with him. It had taken a few weeks to get fully settled in though.
Currently, horror was sitting on the couch, cuddling with farm as farm had sewn together papyrus's scarf since it had become so tattered and worn that it needed quite a few of repairs, luckily it was still save able. Farm smiled, setting the sewing needle, thread, and scarf down before cupping horror's cheeks and beginning to pepper his face all over with light, sweet little kisses. A soft rumbling had escaped from horror's throat, nuzzling farm in response to all that affection. Why the sudden affection? Horror had signed, curious. Farm gave him another kiss before finally speaking again. "Why not? I ain't allowed ta kiss ya and give ya lovin'?" That question didn't have to be answered, simply just rhetorical. Horror liked all the affection that farm gave him though, it was nice and comforting in a sense. Honestly, he'd wish to be like that with him forever if he could but horror knew that you couldn't just stop time just so you can just cuddle your loved one...if only though. It's just a thought, if horror could've stopped time there would be a whole bunch of things he'd do. First thing being would be that he'd bring everyone in his au something to eat as a surprise, second thing was basically just getting into shenanigans and the last but definitely not least would just be cuddling or hanging out with farm or papyrus. Farm had smiled, rubbing soft circles on the back of horror's head before he continued to sew papyrus's scarf. Horror just knew that everything would turn out okay now.

Thanks for tuning in! And merry Christmas since the time I post this it is December 24th

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