Nightmare x killer <3

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Requested by the fantastic CcinoSanzUwU
Hope you like it!

Nobody's pov.

Killer had entered the dark mansion, covered in minor wounds from a mission he had went on with everyone. Nightmare had even came too so it was pretty neat, everything was going well until the stars had arrived and ruined everything, and wouldn't you know it? One thing lead to another and there was a HUGE fight. Something was happening during the fight so the stars had to retreat, leaving killer, nightmare, and the others just standing there wounded. Apparently during the fight, nightmare's and killer's magic ended up mixing on accident.

It had been a couple of months since then and a small little fire ball entity would follow killer around the mansion. It acted like a child so killer kinda just decided he'd watch over it until he could find out who the heck left their child here. Yeah, that wasn't happening anytime soon because when he had went to check in it one day it had been gone. "Oh- the parents must've finally found them- good-" he'd mumble to themselves, rubbing the bite marks on their body. The fireball like entity always bit him so he was kinda glad it was gone.

Nightmare had called killer into his office, killer walked to the office sweating out of nervousness usually when he gets called to the office he's usually in trouble. He'd enter the office to see the little fireball entity asleep in nightmare's arms. "Why didn't you tell me about this killer?" Nightmare would look at killer, he had seemed a bit irritated or angry when he had asked the question."welllll- I didn't want ya to get mad at me for letting someone we don't know into-" killer was cut off by nightmare. "Not that you idiot, why didn't you tell me about our child?" Killer went silent. "Wait that's our kid-" nightmare would nod.
Killer would stare in disbelief. "Wait- but how? Shouldn't it be- bony?" Nightmare would look at killer as if he was stupid, in which he kinda was. "No, if you haven't already figured out I am not a real skeleton."

"Wait you're not? Then are you an alien or something?" Nightmare would glare at killer before breathing in deeply. "No, I am not an alien. Okay just let me explain, I was originally a ball of negativity like the baby except I'm pretty sure it was made from our magic mixing. My mother had given us skeleton forms so that we wouldn't self destruct, so to put it simply we need to find the baby a body to inhabit otherwise it'll self destruct and die. Do you understand?" Killer would nod his head. "So would that make us parents?" Nightmare would roll their eye. "What do you think? I mean we have a little baby that we accidentally made. So I think it would make sense that we'd be the parents."

Nightmare had decided to ask error if he'd let them use some code to make a body for the entity, surprisingly error had let them so a new body for the little one was there. The little fire ball entity would flow into the new body, it took a few minutes. "So what do we name them?" Killer would ask, looking to nightmare. "Hm...what about terror?" Killer would look at nightmare. "What kind of baby name is that- are you trying to make the poor kid be lonely because of their name-" nightmare would cross his arms. "Do you have anything better then?" Killer would frown slightly. "No- okay terror it is-" killer went silent. "Hey nightmare can we atleast try to act like parents y'know the lovey stuff?" Nightmare would look at killer, seemingly thinking about something. "I guess so- like kissing and that nasty stuff right? All the cuddly nasty stuff-" killer would nod. "Alright- sure-"

Sorry if it's a bit short I lost motivation making this and I wanted to try and get the other requests done!

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