a Nintendo DS, a pervert chicken wing, and a Lovecraftian octopus monster <3

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Welcome welcome to another episode of taking requests and writing them today's show starsssss....
GhamzehPmd ! This has lemon in it so people who don't like lemons please do not read if it bothers you but you can read until it gets to that part if you really are interested!

Nightmare had been at dream and cross's wedding the two had worn tuxedos, dream's was a nice cream colored while cross's was just black with little hints of white. None of the other guests had known of nightmare and dream being related, who would've thought? They looked nothing alike but when nightmare was younger they did. Instead of the usual stuff in a wedding dream and cross's was a bit more relaxed, dream had designed it to be like this because he and cross were prone to getting nervous at times and since weddings are supposed to be special he had wanted to make it so they would both be comfortable.
Dream had wanted to hear his brother sing and so he had set something up for nightmare to do so at the wedding. But, it wasn't that time yet and so after the ceremony others kept asking nightmare out on dates and to hang with them. Nightmare had rejected every single one of them, he really wasn't looking for love right now especially with his most recent breakup. Nightmare was the reason for his last breakup, their ex had not really liked their constant attitude and he has tried to fix it but it never seems to work and so they broke up.
Swad and Ds had been two of dream's other friends that had been invited to the wedding, they were unaware of nightmare being related to dream at all and so they had found them attractive but had figured they wouldn't be too straightforward and just become friends with him. So that was currently the plan and eventually it was time for nightmare to do his singing thing, Dream had always been a very anxious person especially when it had rained and so nightmare had often sung to him when they were little to help dream calm down a bit. Eventually it was time to sing and currently nightmare was horribly nervous since several eyes had been on him but he had seen dream with an encouraging smile on his face and had sighed softly. He couldn't give up now, closing his eyes and trying to just think about how happy his brother would be he began to sing, after a little the song was over and nightmare was ready to go home and leave.
Unfortunately he was stopped by swad and Ds, so he couldn't just go straight home after like he had been planning to do after saying goodbye to dream. Swad had blabbed on and on about stuff and when he was finished he had handed nightmare his and ds's number before saying one more thing. "Wanna be friends?" Nightmare was exhausted and had tiredly nodded and took the number and had left, glad to leave at the moment. After a while though the three had grown closer and actually became good friends, though that title wouldn't last very long since recently nightmare had gained feelings for the two. Today Ds and Swad had invited them to hangout, unaware of what the two had planned. Sometime during their hangout they planned to tell nightmare about their crush on them, the both of them. They had hoped that nightmare would accept their feelings and the three of them would get to stay together.
"So... nightmare, we've got something to tell you." Ds had started off, this had caught nightmare's attention most definitely. "Me and Ds both like you, and after a long while of talking we decided we could share you so.." Swad had said, trailing off. "Would you like to be our boyfriend?" Ds had now finished off the sentence and the two would now await nightmare's response. Nightmare had been stunned for a few moments but would eventually nod. "I'd like to, just tell me if I'm being too much of a jerk sometimes."
A lot of time has passed since then, dream and cross now have kids and nightmare is now married. Nightmare had a little surprise for the others and was waiting until they had gotten home, so he laid there in bed for a few hours before they came home and opened the door to see him.  "Finally, what took you so long?" He was just lightly messing with them when he had said that, he wasn't upset since he knew the two wouldn't cheat on him. "Technical difficulties-" Swad had simply said, proceeding to flop down onto the bed.
Nightmare had noticed that swad had seemed upset and would look to Ds. "He and his brother had gotten into a really bad argument-" Ds had now clarified for nightmare, nightmare had thought about something for a moment. While swad had laid on his back, nightmare had proceeded to sit on Swad's legs, trapping them for a moment.
Lemon part is here, remember if you do not like or are uncomfortable please no read past this line alright?
"Hm...I Know something that may cheer you up, are you alright with this love?" Swad had nodded, he was still a bit upset but was alright with this. Ds had just decided to watch, not really wanting to do anything at the moment. Nightmare had gotten up now, taking something from a drawer and now going back to swad, lightly tugging at their pants until they'd come off.  Once that was over with, he had given swad the protection and began to undress himself, unfortunately swad had lost the protection and nightmare ended up forgetting about it as well, so it was an oopsie on both of their parts.
"Ready?" Nightmare had asked, swad nodding in response. Luckily, nightmare had loved swad and would've killed him after this if he didn't so swad was very lucky. Once inside of nightmare swad had to wait for a few moments for nightmare to get adjusted but afterwards everything was fine. He began to pick up his pace, causing nightmare's fingers to lightly dig into his shoulders.
He had noticed a certain spot had caused nightmare to get louder and had began purposely aiming for that place. Ds continued to watch, not really doing anything but he did take a photo a few moments ago, he wasn't planning to really do anything with the photo and just sorta kept it in his phone. Nightmare had realized a bit too late now that they didn't have any protection on, unfortunately swad had released at the same time, which really just left nightmare in an odd state of pleasure and anger.
"Swad-!" He had now realized what he had done and immediately began apologizing, nightmare was still a bit upset but had accepted the apologies and nuzzled slightly into Swad's chest. They were unaware of cross currently wandering the hallways, he needed to borrow something from the others and was going to try and find them so he could do that. He had seen that the door was unlocked, so he had opened it only to close it immediately once seeing the others. None of the others had been given time to react, but once nightmare processed everything he immediately got up after dressing and went after cross to threaten them not to tell anyone.

The end :D

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