1. Settin' the scene!

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     Ah. What a beautiful day in inkwell isles forest. The grass if soft and fluffy, flowers are blooming, flowers are singing, and the trees bring lovely oxygen into the air. Blueberry bushes, apple trees, flowers.. It's all so pretty! But what's even better... Is when you're out the forest.

   The sun lightly blinds your eyes temporarily, but they're good after a good wipe or two. Inkwell isle 1. Most people often come to see the live Ribby and Croaks' shows, and performances. Others come for the cup brothers. But I just honestly want some strawberries from Porkrine's. They're super good!!

   They have some in the forest near Cagney Carnation's, but I rather not disturb him. Besides, when he's upset, you start runnin. Without the gunnin' though. They're's also many little flowers guarding their fruits. They're like Cagney, but way smaller. They have smoother edges on their petals, like the way you would draw them. Cagney's has a little swirl and point to it.

   But Porkrine's strawberries.. Hehe.. I can much on those forever! They just.. hit different, you know? It's like havin' your favorite meal when you're down vs having it normally, it's good either way, but the first just makes it even better. I can go on and on bout em foreve- " Ow! "

   I bounce back a little from impact and see... A... Tree. A tree. I bumped into a tree. Nice. I have become officially the best walker in the entire universe! Wait.. No.. Y/N breathe. It's just a tree, and can't even do anything. Don't get mad at it. Better than someone being there to witness it right?

    I still wanna scream at it though. Just a little. But, not much. Ok.. You know what just walk from it like a normal person. I, walking away from the tree walking a bit quick, looked behind me to make sure nobody was behind me. I rather not anyone see the, uh tree thing.

      But, I do hear conversation goin' around. People sound so happy, it makes me feel a little better. And a little concerned if anyone saw me. But, I'm pretty sure nobody cares bout it.. So I'll be fine- "Omph-! " 
"Aw heck!"

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