16. Chilling with the bros!

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      As time passed, the more you wanted to stay with the brothers. You played Monopoly, Tag, and even Cuphead and Smash Bros! Mugman wasn't kidding when he said he knew a lot about economics...

     He won instantly, since Cuphead almost went into debt trying to buy everything. You were the only challenge, but in the end – he had the most money and land.

     Cuphead won in smash brothers though. . . He is really good! He switched the characters time to time, but his main player was surprisingly - Mario! He was good with him too.

     Tag was an even match, since everyone won one round. Though playing Cuphead . . . The brothers had no idea what to do! Which, led to you getting the farthest in progress.

      The most fun thing was the carnevil!! They had a bunch of roller coasters, candy, and toys!! 'Hey Doll! Look here!' Cuphead said, giving you a plush dog.

           Plus, there's no Devil here

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           Plus, there's no Devil here.

     ' Here you go doll. ' Cuphead said, smiling slightly. 'THANK YOU!!!!' You squealed, hugging Cuphead tightly. 'Ooh~' Mugman teased, nudging his brother gently, only to receive an unknown glare from his brother.
     'Anyway. . . There's a Ferris Wheel over there, why don't we go...? ' Mugman shivered, changing the subject, but you were already running to the arcade with plush prizes.

    'Wait for us!! ' Cuphead yelled, dragging Mugman with him. 'Y/N. . . PLEASE let us know where you're... Going...'

                        'Mugs... '
     ' Y/N's gone again, aren't they? '

     'Hehe, yeah. Kinda like how I roll.'

                         ' I like it. '

        'More like you like Y/N, Cups. '

               Excuse me, WHAT?! '

   You soon turn around, jumping up and down - to show Cuphead a big Mario plushie. 'CUPHEAD, LOOK!! IT'S MARIO!! HE'S SO FLOOFYYYYY!! ' You clapped, jumping up and down. 'Big red guy!' You say, soon to look at Mugman - showing him as well.

            'That's very nice Y/–'
                'CAN I SEE IT??? '
     Mugman said, with Cuphead existing behind. 'Oh brother. . . ' Mugman sighed, lightly facepalming himself. 'You two are hyper, to say the least. '

     'It's Mario Mugsy! Y/N got Mario!! A big Mario!! We need to eat pizza!! ' Cuphead exclaimed, running towards a stand. 'His love language is gifts, to let you know in advance. ' Mugman said, gently winking and nudging your shoulder – running after Cuphead.

      ' Wha– Hey!! Wait for me, and explain the context!! ' You yelled, running with your new, red plumber in your arms after the two brothers. 'You'll find out soon if I had to guess Y/N!' Mugman shouted, grabbing you to run towards his brother.
     'Pizza anyone~? ' Cuphead smirked, winking at you. 'Thank you Cuphead,
But what flavor is it? ' Mugman huffed, staring at his brother. 'Uh. . . Cheese...? I didn't know what pizza Y/N liked so–'

    'I mean, what you BOTH were in the mood for. ' Cuphead coughed, handing the pizza to Mugman. 'Sure. . . ' Mugman stated, rolling his eyes. 'Thanks Cuphead! ' You said smiling, a bit confused. ' No problem. ' He smiled, moving a bit closer to you.


'Mugsy, don't. For brothers sake. Don't.'

     'What? Did he do something wrong Cuphead?' You asked, turning to him. 'Uh... Nah. Just a brother thing. Ya know? ' Cuphead replied, somewhat staring at Mugman. 'Don't worry about it Y/N, I'm good! ' Mugman said, looking at the red cup.

       'Ok then... ' You said, speeding up. 'Ooh! A table! Maybe we could sit over there?'

      'That's a good idea! ' Both brothers said in unison, soon running to catch up to you. 'Let's eat some pizza!! ' Cuphead exclaimed, sitting down and opening the box with Mugman and you.

      Everyone instantly ate the delicious pizza — conversing all during the day, enjoying the time you were having together. Before you even knew it, morning turned into afternoon . . . Enjoying all the food and games at your fingertips! It felt so great! It felt good with the two around your side.

           Including a special cup.
   Everyone has to go eventually, sadly.
'Sorry Y/N, but Elder Kettle wants us back. Right Cup? ' Mugman asked, turning towards Cuphead. 'He wants us back? But it's fun spending time with Y/N! ' He replied, pouting.

    'It is fun! Though you probably should go back. He's waiting after all. ' You said, looking at Cuphead with a sad glint in your eyes. 'I– Fine... Let's go.. ' Cuphead said, walking with Mugman, upset. 'We can always visit Y/N, Cup. . .' Mugman reassured– waving at you.

      'Bye Y/N! ' Mugman said, waving. 'Bye Mugman! Bye Cuphe– HHFJJGJ–' Only noises could come from the impact of Cuphead holding you very tightly by the waist, lifting you practically. ' Y/N's coming with us Mugs. ' Cuphead said sternly, lifting you, walking in the direction of the brother's home.

            ' CUPHEAD WHA–? NO– '

                 ' Yes Mugsy. Yes. '

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