22. Boys at Heart!

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     ' My sweet boys. ' Elder Kettle chuckles as he watches the two cups continue to fight out, as you nod in agreement. ' They were awful sweet, weren't they? '  You thought as you watched the two bounce around still, honestly still seeming as feisty as when they started.

     ' Someone should go stop them though, shouldn't they? ' Elder Kettle laughs as you continue to see the free entertainment, now a bit concerned that you haven't tried to stop them before. ' OH RIGHT— We should, shouldn't we-? ' You asked with a nervous smile as you went to the door with your popcorn, looking back at Elder Kettle who shook his head.

     ' You can handle it I'm sure dear. Plus, these old bones don't rest themselves! ' He laughs, soon going back to his rocking chair. ' No need to feel panicked either, Y/N. They do this a lot more often than you could imagine. They're brothers after all. ' He says as he closes his eyes, and slowly falls asleep- rocking away contently in his chair.

     ' Oh. ' You replied with a almost surprised look, before looking back at Cuphead and Mugman still hopping around. ' Ok yeah. . . — maybe it isn't that surprising if they're still fighting at this point. ' You say with a confused smile as you head back outside, being greeted with a dry fence and the sounds of the brothers fighting. Though, the fence did look like it took a beating from the chaos though while you were inside. . .

    ' Man— do we have to paint this again? ' You pouted as you looked at the fence. ' Well. . . It technically isn't my fence to paint. . . ' You thought with a small smirk before seeing the siblings bounce around, soon getting closer and closer to the decently painted fence.

     ' GUYS— GUYS WAIT WAIT NO— MOVE AWAY FROM THE FENCE— THE FENCE!! ' You try to warn them, But it was too late- as they've tumbled into the fence, now just punching and pulling it- rather than Cuphead and Mugman doing that to each other.



     Mugman said, soon slowly processing that they were fighting the fence, rather than her brother. ' Uh. . . That's not my brother. ' She said, looking at Cuphead who was fighting the fence as you put your face in your hands from the undeserved destruction of the fence.

                       ' Cuphead- '

     ' Not now Mugsy!! I'm trying to fight you!! '

                       ' Cuphead— '
      ' Cmon Mugs. Don't be a sore loser!! Stay still!! '


       ' MUGSY BE QUIET— Wait. . . It's the what now? '

      Cuphead asked, finally listening and he turned to the fence he was fighting the whole time before looking at Mugman. ' It's the fence Cuphead. . . " You and Mugman groaned- disappointed, before Cuphead and Mugman turned to you after hearing you speak.

      ' Y/N?? When did you get here-?? '
                        ' DOLL?? '

     ' Hello there. And goodbye to the fence. . ' You sighed as you pointed at the fence. ' We worked so hard on it too! ' You frowned and sat down, now mourning the loss of the well done fence. It didn't look. . . Too bad? If you don't count the hinges of the fence being ripped off, and the paint starting to noticeably peel off now.

   ' Yeah. . . It wasn't too bad. ' is what you would like to tell yourself. . . Like too, the key word here. Meanwhile, the brothers frowned in shame and disappointment at the fence. ' Oh. . . Sorry doll. ' Cuphead said, now with a droopy straw- feeling terrible for making you frown in the first place. Mugman felt bad as well, giving you a ' Sorry Y/N ' look.

      ' Well. . . Maybe we could fix it again and you relax Y/N? Me and Cup can handle the fence. ' Mugman suggested, with his brother looking at him blankly in response.

     ' Me, the one who is casually known as this home's fence destroyer, fix the fence?? After he was the reason it started? Oh hell no. That fence, is NOT getting fixed. ' Cuphead thought, with a bunch of other things. This let alone was one of the few times he felt really bad FOR breaking the fence. It was never on purpose, most of the time, but he knew it wasn't a big big issue to the family. ' Worse things happened to it anyways then it being kinda wrecked in a fight! '

      But he still felt bad. While you and Mugman were talking about fixing and redoing the fence, he stared at you. Remembering your frown for later. Remembering it with guilt. He knew it wasn't good to make people frown, but this one. . . Your frown felt terrible to see. Almost like when Mugman was upset, he despised seeing him sad. Especially if he was part of the cause, or the event. It was the first for him to feel that bad for someone outside of family though, not really connecting much to others. His tiny circle meant a lot to him. And maybe, just maybe. . . You were starting to become part of that circle too.

     ' Cup? Cuphead? Cuphead?? CUPS?? ' Mugman said, frantically waving his hand in front of Cuphead's face, before clinking his head against Cuphead's to try and get him back to reality. ' WHA- Huh?? Wh- oh- yea' Mugsy? What's up? ' He nervously chuckled, looking at you two again- focused now.

     ' You okay? You zoned out Cuphead. . . Or at least I think so-? ' You said with a concerned look. ' Oh- pfft; doll I'm fine! Don't worry, that happens sometimes. ' Cuphead chuckled, flapping his hand dismissively. ' Well yeah, you do but. . . ' Mugman went on, staring at him in slight concern as well, knowing something WAS wrong with his brother. He can lie all he wants, but Mugman could always tell.

     ' It's fine. ' Mugman smiled, patting Cuphead on the back as Cuphead gave a grateful nod to him. Cuphead will be fine at some point, he's just sure of it. Mugman looks at Cuphead, almost with a ' we can talk later '  look before nodding along with him. ' Though anyways, do you wanna help us with the fence again Cup? ' Mugman asked, immediately getting the now spilled buckets of paint again in his hands like a offering.

    ' Y'know what. . . ? ' Cuphead said, thinking we bit before soon wearing a big smile. ' Sure. Why not? ' Cuphead chuckled, grabbing a bucket and handing it to you, before getting one himself as you all happily repainted the fence together, under the watchful eyes of the wise Elder Kettle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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