15. Replay . . .

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       I see figures, all in a pitch of darkness. All the memories of the day play. From meeting Cuphead to saying goodbye. The strawberries, and the screaming. Which, was somewhat funny – since Cuphead was managing to swim in a pile of my supplies.
     The food and picnics, the conversation in the woods. . . It was all so great! We may of had a few staring moments; but it's all in good fun. I think- Ooh! A rhino! Wow, dreams are weird. Anywho, I think we've slept pretty good for a bit. I think, as I stretch in bed.

      'Let's start the day!' I yawned, Maybe this time, we won't bump into a tree! Anywho, once I got ready, I went to the kitchen to eat some fresh strawberries at the kitchen table.

     ' These are so good...' I thought, munching away the strawberries; only to hear a sudden knock on my door. Knock knock. Knock Knock! KNOCK KNOCK!!

     ' I'm coming-! One second!' I yell, dashing towards the door. Was it the mailman again? He didn't usually knock this hard, but it could be- KNOCK KNOCK!!  ' I'M . . . coming. . . ? '

     Weird. Nobody's here. But, there's a package!! ' I can't wait to see what it is! ' I thought – running back to the kitchen to put the box on the counter. 'Ok...Now just gotta find that knife. '

     But... You didn't find the knife in the kitchen. It was in the storage room for some reason? Maybe you used it and don't remember. Oh well! You grabbed it and soon opened the box.

    It was a cookbook! With a letter too! How much could greatness could a box have, and what did the letter say?

     ' Hey Y/N. It's me, Cuphead- Um, I wanted to say thanks for letting me stay over , and if you want you can still come over, I'm at inkwell isle 1 in the cottage. And mugs I'd curious to see you to so uh- yeah
Have a good day (and p.s: I got you the cookbook and maybe we can make something together??? Goodbye-
- Cuphead '

    'Well, I know where I'm going today!'

     Going out in your favorite clothes, opening the door. As you began your adventure to the brothers place, you kept looking at the paper, then up - to find your way. It was a relaxing walk, with a little break for a croissant. 

     Finally you got to their house, knocking on the door. ' Hello-? ' You hear, seeing a pair of blue eyes through the doorhole. ' MUGSY WHO'S AT THE DOOR?! THE SUSPENSE IS KILLIN' ME!! ' One voice said, eccentric and hyper as ever. Not even a moment later a red nose and red eyes could be seen.

     ' I can't tell if I can't see Cuphead— Now, may you please move so I can see? ' A high pitched voice, probably Mugman, stated. ' Fineeee. I'll get a Coke then. You want one? ' Cuphead asked. ' Yes please...

     'OH MY IT'S Y/N!' Mugman yells, instantly swinging the door open. 'We are so sorry– Come in!' Mugman exclaimed. . .


        'WAIT I'M STILL IN MY JAMS-!!'

   Was what could be heard nearby, which had to be Cuphead. He's the only one who screams the way he does... That you know of anyway.

    'Thanks for having me...' You replied, confused as ever. Enjoying it though, for sure. 'Yep! You're early, too! It's only 12pm! We weren't expecting you for a while... Sorry again.' The blue mug apologized.

     'Do you want to play games in my room? Cuphead has most of the video games, but I have some — with board games if you like.' Which, honestly didn't sound too bad of an idea right about now.

        'Sure! Can we play Monopoly?'

'Of course! Warnin' you though Y/N, I hardly lose. I know a bit about economics.'

        'We'll see about that Mugman!'

    'By the way, how do you know my name? We didn't really talk one on one.'

    'Oh! Cuppy told me all about you! He kept on talking and talking, to the point elder kettle got popcor-'


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