4. A soon to be smirking brother

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    "We should I suppose.. " Mugman finished, still worried for his brother. He postpones a lot of his feelings, sometimes constantly.. Mugman began to think while walking with his brother to a shack.

      "Though after I'ma take a walk. To get some air. You'll be ok Mugsy..? " Cuphead spoke, turning to his brother for a response. He didn't exactly know how to ask stuff from others. Nor, how Mugman would respond.

     "Uh... Well first, are you ok? It's kinda rare you weren't exactly upset with the bag thing, but was more kinda staring at Y/N the whole time. You don't stare at people often Cup. " Mugman is on the concerned side of the spectrum until..

         "Unless, if you're interested!!"

     " NO I'M NOT M-MUGSY, what are you talking about-" Cuphead stuttered, as if one more word of that was going to make him lag somehow. "Bro.. If you're in love just say soo!! I mean, if it makes ya' feel better.. I-I like Cala Maria.." Mugman stated, not sure how his brother would react. Cuphead can be defensive at times, but Mugman knows they mean well.

     " SO YOU DO LIKE THEM! YOU WERE IN DENIAL-" Cuphead started to state, but realizes that wasn't the point of Mugman stating that. I mean, Mugman was more shy and reserved about his crushes, but not about his love life. Cuphead on the other hand, was reserved about both. Heavily reserved.

If anyone, well minus Mugman, said ANYTHING about his love life or crush, he would get ready for a 'swell' battle in less than 5 seconds. He is not kiddin' when he says 'don't say a word.'

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