13. Food preparations!

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You and Cuphead ran down the stairs, Cuphead up close sneaking behind you.. Until y'all reached the lovely kitchen! Checkered layered floors, pastel of your favorite color.

'Ooh, this looks nice!!' Cuphead said, running ahead to touch the table. 'Is this marble? I like it!' He said. 'I think so..? I don't remember exactly..' You responed. 'I like the tiles the best!'

'I wonder what your bedroom is like..' Cuphead thought, staring at you once more.

     'But, we do have some food I can make!' You said, hoping Cuphead would ask you to make something using strawberries. Looking at him; you offered him a chair and just sat him down. He didn't respond when you asked if he wanted to, and figured he spaced out again.

     'Do you want any pie, tea, or something else?' You asked, checking on him like a pastry. 'Still spaced out.. Wond'a how he does it.' You thought, walking over to the chair and gently shake it. Still no response. There were two things you could do.

     'I could just make the food..' You thought. 'Or, should I try to get him back..? I am starving..' You asked yourself. You began to ponder for a bit, until you hear someone call you.

      'Doll? You ok?' Cuphead asked, turning his head. His eyes expressed worry, but very little. As if.. he was trying to..

      'Huh? Oh! Yeah, I wondering if I should 'wake' you up, but you already did ya' self. So uh, what do you want to eat? We have a couple of things in here.. ' You said, walking and opening the fridge, staring at Cuphead for a response.

     'Uh..' Cuphead responded, putting his hand to his chin, thinking. 'Do you have cherry pie? Or a sandwich? Actually, anything fine.' He said, slightly leaning towards your direction in his chair. 'Oh ok then! I'll make some, do you like tea? Or do want something else to drink?' You asked, peaking your head above the fridge.

    'Do you have Pepsi?' Cuphead asked.

     'Yeah, I do. I'll get you some while make some food then. ' You say getting out all the ingredients needed to make a snack. What snack? Well.. You didn't exactly know yourself. You just wanted to eat, and you wanted to now.

      'Oh thanks! Do you, uh – want any help doll?' Cuphead asked, look into at you while standing and picking up his chair. 'Well.. Can you set up the table please? You asked, facing Cuphead for a bit. 'Okie dokie!' Cuphead saluted, picking up the chair; attempting to find where the table was.

     'You know.. Maybe having a guest around won't be so bad...'

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