14. Time flies!

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     To be honest.. I wouldn't think I would be having Cuphead at my house of all people. In a way though.. It's good to know that there is a chance after first impressions. It's actually pretty fun with him around.

     He's helping set up the tables, and makes good conversations, and actually is pretty c- 'DOLL! I uh- got stuck again.. Can you help me please? I'm still in the kitchen-'

     Again? Huh. Guess I'm not only the 'best walker' in the universe! I shouldd probably get him up, though.. it is funny how he tripped twice. 'Coming! Lemme just turn off the oven...' I exclaimed clicking the switch, walking towards the tables.

     I pull Cuphead out once more, and we share a good laugh! Time passed awfully quickly though... In less than a few hours, the food finished, and I even got to have a picnic with Cuphead outside! We got to learn about each other more, and see our hobbies!

     Sadly, the lovely things must come to an end. . . 'Cuphead! Are you here? It's 9pm!! We're worried about you!! Bro? Are you okay?' We could hear. ' Oh shoot! That's Mugsy...' Cuphead said, dropping his hand, but rubbing my hand.

    'I gotta go. But, y-you can come over at my place sometime if you want!' Cuphead exclaimed, getting up and starting to run off. 'THANKS FOR THE FOOD TOO!!' Cuphead shouted, continuing to run off to the blue figure in the distance. ' I guess that's it then. ' I thought, walking back to my house, to finally reach the bed.

    I may be tired, But now I can have a good sleep, having a new day and friend to think about in my dreams. Goodnight Cuphead. See you tomorrow...

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