10. Crafting Time!

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       ' Well.. Uh... At least we found the supplies..?' Cuphead said akwardly, trying to break out the weird situation. 'I guess that's true.' You giggled, later offering him a hand to get up. Well, what do you wanna make first?' You asked pulling Cuphead onto his feet.

      'STRAWBERRY HAT!!' Cuphead exclaimed, practically jumping around the room before realizing what he was doing. 'I-I mean.. The strawberry hat.' Cuphead coughed, 'getting a hold' of himself; as you giggled, getting the yarn.

        'So, do you want a green strawberry, a red strawberry, or a pink one?' You asked, turning to Cuphead for a response. 'A.. A uh.. a red one..?' Cuphead slowly replied. He wasn't really the one making the decisions.

       'Okay then!' You chirped, getting the supplies and running to the table to crochet. A little here.. A little there.. Some seeds every where is what the strawberry is. A amazing fruit that practically got you into this.

       'Who would of thought it would be strawberries?'
       After a while of you crocheting, Cuphead staring at you intensely, and a bit of blushing; it was finished. The lovely hat was finally finished. 'Whew! It's finally done Cuphead. Y-you can stop staring at me now.' You said, slight flustered at how much he was actually staring.

     He was staring at you like that meme with a cat at the door you remember seeing a while back. His brown shining eyes were blinking, one second to turn at the hat; while a whole five seconds were to stare at you. He only realized he was doing when you snapped your fingers in his face to make sure he was okay. Poor fella'.

       'H-huh?! ' Cuphead said shocked, turning to you. 'You good Cuphead? You were staring at me for practically 3 minutes.' You said staring at him in confusion. It was your turn, and you wanted at least a little explanation.

       'O-oh, yeah I'm fine! I was..uh..waiting for you to finish the hat and wanted to confirm that it was actually done, but I zoned out in the process.' He said embarrassed, bringing himself to a normal posture. 'Uh huh.' You thought. It seemed like a logical explanation to almost anyone, and most would dismiss it.

                 It was TOO logical even.

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