3. Hey! Not so fast!

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       When I was gonna take off, I felt a hand go over my sholder holding me back. "Woah there buster, slow down there." Cuphead said. Cuphead, has the deep-ish voice then. And Mugman has the squeak. Noted. But the " You bow to me, and I rule this kingdom " energy is everywhere and got me stuck. Being stared down at ain't helpin' either.

         "If you gonna go and kill me, can I have go get my strawberries from Porkrine's first-? " Was all I could think of. And it came out my mouth. "Huh? Why would I kill ya? " Cuphead stated, turning his head in confusion. "Cup doesn't bite anyone! Unless provoked that is. " Mugman finished.

            "Oh. Huh. Cool." I stutter awkwardly. I'm trying to stay calm, but this energy is throwing me off. It's the type that with just the presence will make your opponent shut up in no time. No matter who it is. If someone can resist this urge, then I am shocked and will actually bow to you.

            Cuphead begins to look down for one quick second before seeing his brother looking at him. He perks his head up almost immediately afterwards. But his focus turned to Y/N instead. He stared right into your eyes, getting a little nervous the longer he did.

          You, confused looked back and looked at your sholder, forgetting that cuphead put his hand there. Then you look up, to see him moving his sholder, however still staring at you. To break the silence, Mugman decided to speak up. "Uh, Cuppy? We should get going. It's getting pretty late. And my phone us beeping a lot more, so it's probably Elder Kettle." He sounded a little confused, and so was I. I'm getting stared at, and don't know what to do.

             "Oh! Yeah right. Uh..." Cuphead breaks out. "Y/N. The names Y/N." I say, trying to help him and speed this up. "Oh ok! It's ok by the way, and thanks for pickin up the stuff. Kinda saved us time doin that, hehe.. " Cuphead laughed awkwardly. "Oh ok! Well your welcome? I should probably get going before Porkrine's place closes. I am dying for their strawberries right now. " I state, fully honest. This interaction was definitely over 10 minutes. I mean it's still afternoon, but my stomach is screaming...

          "Oh, huh. Mugsy, what's the time?" Cuphead said turning to Mugman. Mugman jumped, since he was mainly listening to the conversation, but soon checked his watch. "It's.. One-o-five!" Mugman said putting his arm back down. "Thanks. Y/N you got time. Porkrine's spot closes at 5pm." Cuphead spoke, slightly forming a little smile.

       "Oh, I did not know that. Thanks!" I softly exclaimed. "Well I should go now. I am starvin'. Bye! " I said starting to walk away from them, with a tiny wave, not really caring what was behind me anymore.

          Cuphead was just looking at you walk away, smile beginning to fade the father you went. Lost in thought, as many say. "Bro? You okay? You keep staring at Y/N.." Mugman said, a little worried. It's very rare he tried to hold a conversation with a stranger, let alone is dissapointed when they left.. Mugman thought.
           "Huh..? " Cuphead worded out, turning to Mugman. His brain cells clicked quick, and tried to think of a response. "Yeah I'm fine Mugs. We should probably take these home, shouldn't we, heh."

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