8. Give it a chance..?

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        'I mean.. I hope I didn't annoy you when we met..' You said while looking down. With no hesitation however, you see feet instantly walk in front and facing yours, with a feel of a finger lift your head. 'Hey, doll.. Don't be down 'bout that.. you were worried and I get it. You didn't mean to and that's all that matters. Okay?'

              .... That was the most concern you've even listened to. That was shocking. You thought. But..you slowly started to feel a slight heat on your cheeks as you looked up at them. 'I-I.. um.. Okay then..' You said, just struggling to get a single word out your mouth. 'I mean it. One hundred percent, so no worries. That's behind us, alright?' Cuphead said while slowly grabbing your hand, and rubbing it ever so softly.

           Then, he slowly grabbed you into a hug. Did you need it or want it? Well, that is for you to decide. However, the event was truly happening. You slowly felt their cotton sweater, which felt like a pillow. ' Uh.. thanks. Good to know.' You said, slowly breaking the silence. 

        'Oh sorry! I just felt like g-giving you one h-haha..' Cuphead stuttered, slowly letting go of your waist. 'So.. D-do you want to make the frogs and hats f-first, then the food, o-or..?' Cuphead faltered, trying to get his words all out at once. 'O-oh! Its alright.. I just didn't expect it is all! We can make the stuff to, if you want.' You giggled, slowly walking upstairs.

         'O-oh! Where are you going without me huh?' Cuphead joked, laughing almost at the end. 'This is where I make everything silly! Come on! Unless if you don't want anything haha!' You chuckled running the stairs faster and faster.

          'Hey! Wait for me doll!!' Cuphead said as the began to dash following you up the stairs.

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