11. Wish upon the clouds!

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      'Ok.. Then, but if anything's up lemme know ok?'

                     'Ok doll.. '

    A while later you started making the strawberry hat, and a bracelet and necklace to match as a little surprise. You were slightly worried about earlier, and wanted to make something cheer him up a bit. Cuphead began to zone out again, but he mainly just sat down staring at the window.

      You thought it wasn't normal at first, so you tapped him on the shoulder and handed him the necklace. In response, he slowly began to stare at you, making your cheeks more pink that you may like to admit. 'U-um.. D-do you want i-it..?' You asked, slightly darting your eyes downward to his.

      'Did you make this for me?' He questioned, slightly tilting his head. 'Uh.. no- maybe- no- wait- YES?' You stammered,  begining to lose you vocabulary at a speed beyond your control.

      Cuphead began to stand beside you and gently put his hand around your neck, and began rubbing your shoulder. 'Hehe, thanks doll. You mind putting it on for me?' Cuphead stated, handing you back the necklace, turning around facing at you with a big smile.

         He almost laughed at how nervous you we're while putting it on, almost shaking more than an earthquake! After you put it on, he hugged to nice and tight, soon turning to the window. 'It sure looks nice out there eh?' He asked, turning to you once more.

      'Uh, y-yeah it does. Real nice.' You stuttered, despite begging mentally not to. You just couldn't think straight after all of the events that happened today. Especially the hugs that Cuphead gave you. He was a really nice guy, and that may have pulled something that you thought wouldn't of been.

      You tried to ignore it, and began to look out the window with Cuphead. He began to glance at you, but looked away right after you began to look at him. To indirectly change the subject, he began to look at the clouds again. 'Hey.. That cloud kinda looks like a tiger don'tcha think? ' He asked looking at you.

       ' Which one? ' You asked, bringing your face closer to the window. ' That one, over there! ' Cuphead exclaimed, gently grabbing your hand and moving it towards the direction of the tiger cloud. 'Oh, that one! It does! It also reminds me of a cow for some reason! ' You grinned, turning your focus back to the clouds.

       But Cuphead, couldn't fully bring his mind to the clouds. He had his mind on something he found better than any wish on a star or cloud he's made. Something, that maybe, just maybe, made him have some hope in the world once more.

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