5. Dozed off...!

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Don't mess with the cup, nuff said. Which is what most people would say when you've made a terrible mistake in action directed to him. However, he's the more intimidating out of the two, as you can 'see'. However, all that could go on in Cuphead's mind was quite the contrary. 'What does Y/N think of me?' 'I want to see them again..' 'Did I make a good impression..??'

It was like a tornado. That he.. didn't exactly know how to process. "Cuphead!" Only to no avail. "CUPHEAD!" An elder yelled, hoping to get their grandson's attention. "Huh?! What? What's goin' on?"A voice of confusion slowly began to mutter. "You've been zoned out for twenty minutes Cuphead. Are you ok?" "I'm fine Elder Kettle! No worries haha.. I'm just focused on something.." Cuphead said a little disgressing, looking at the wall while finishing their sentence.

" No worries Elder Kettle! He's just focused on getting some tickets on the park!" Mugman exclaimed. "He's been wanting to go since last week, after we got the groceries." Elder Kettle began to look at Mugman with a smile, and nodded. "If you like to, you can go Cuphead. Mugman, if it's alright, may you help me tend to the flowers? "Elder Kettle said, looking at the blue mug. " Thanks Elder Kettle. I'll be back soon. Love you Must! Love ya kettle. " Cuphead stated walking towards the door. Mugman began to follow Elder Kettle, with a wink to Cuphead.

Cuphead responds with a wink and a wink, and heads out the door for a walk. But, only one thing was stuck in his mind, despite him wanting to think of something else. 'Burgers and cotton candy!' He thought. 'Burgers and cotton candy. ' I wonder if Y/N likes burgers and cotton candy.. ' 'NO. ' He shouted internally, making his thoughts hush.' You just met Y/N. Why are you thinking about them this much?? They weren't trying to talk.. ' Head low, he walked into the forest, hoping to distract himself from his so-called 'random thought's.'

However, within the forest, there was something that he would not have expected to see within the soft, beautiful forest.

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