19. Painting The Fence!

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     The brothers continuously fought as you painted the fence, though it was behind the house like Elder Kettle said. ' Cup and Mug really are fighting for 30 minutes straight huh? They sure are going at it. . . ' You thought, checking the paint. ' At least this paint is dry though! ' You thought, walking to the other side of the fence with a smile.

     In the meantime, Cuphead and Mugman were getting a talk with Elder Kettle. You could hear some noise, and looked on occasion to see what was going on - often ending with Cuphead noticing and staring at you.

     Though, that led to everyone looking at you. It's like Cuphead and Mugman could communicate with their minds to know something. . .

     ' Boys! It's very rude to stare! Plus, it's not a good move either. ' Elder Kettle yelled, grabbing Cuphead and Mugman by the handle to bring them into the kitchen. ' . . . Well that was interesting. ' You thought, slowly walking away from the window. You looked back just to see if anything was going on, and saw a red flash.

     ' Wha- huh? ' Checking again, you rubbed your eyes - only to see Cuphead walking. ' Oh. ' You went back to the fence, only to hear a noise. You checked back again at the window to see Cuphead's face pressed against it.
' HOLY SHI- SHIMACKLE WHAT-?? ' You yelled, falling with the bucket of paint. Cuphead stared at you with a ' yowch ' look, concerned.

     You got up, dusting yourself to see Cuphead holding a sign. ' Are you ok? ' You said, reading it aloud. ' I'm fine, just got scared to death. How you doin? ' You said smiling with a arm on your hip. You see Cuphead putting a thumbs up, and walk away.

     You stare at the window, soon looking at the bucket of paint. ' Welp, back to painting I guess. ' You said, picking up the bucket and opening the outside of the fence. ' Since everyone's inside this shouldn't be to hard . . . ' You thought aloud, beginning to whistle as you painted the outside of the fence.

     ' Hey Cup! ' Mugman said, walking into his brother in the kitchen. ' Huh- oh heya Mugsy! What's up? ' Cuphead said, tilting his head at his brother. ' I was thinking, why don't we help Y/N paint the fence? It'd be nice keeping them some company dontcha think? ' Mugman said, smiling. ' Uh uh. Well I uh. . . I got something I gotta do though so, hard pass. ' Cuphead replied, glancing back to the window outside.

     ' Hey, it beats looking at Y/N through a window. Plus it would help Y/N out too! If you wanna hang out with someone, staring at 'em forever ain't gonna work! You gotta go head first and talk to em! ' Mugman nudged, wrapping his arm around Cuphead's shoulder.

     ' I WAS NOT LOOKING AT Y/N THROUGH THE WINDOW-! I was looking at our goat. ' Cuphead defended, sweating while looking away from his brother. ' Bro, I hate to break it to you; but you know NOBODY pays attention to that goat. ' Mugman deadpanned. ' Hey, Elder Kettle did! ' Cuphead protested. ' Rememba when we came home and he was cuddling with it that one time? '

     ' Out of how many years we had that goat? ' Mugman glared, crossing his arms. ' I- Uh. . . Uh. . . ' Cuphead stammered, shaking slightly. ' Just admit you were looking, and I'll be out of your head. ' Mugman stated, moving a hand in circling motion. ' I wasn't- I swears! ' Cuphead said, putting both his hands in the air in his defense.

     ' Then what could you possibly be looking at? You and I both know you don't like watching paint dry, and you usually ALWAYS go outside when you can. You don't just stare at the window! That's just not you. You are way too fidgety to just sit still at something and not be interested. ' Mugman argued, staring at his brother for a response.

     ' I was uhh. . . uhhh. . . Err. . . Er. . . Uh. . . ' Cuphead hesitated, glancing in all different directions. ' What would be a good excuse? ' Cuphead thought, putting his hand on his chin brainstorming.

     ' Come on Cuphead, think, think! Hm. . . . . . . Oh wait!! I got it!! ' Cuphead thought, immediately snapping his fingers. ' I was checking for any planes and firework shows! Ya know they always show up with a big bang, and with a big surprise! So I just had to keep a look out. ' Cuphead said, nervously grinning.

     ' Firework shows happen during the day here?? ' Mugman asked, still slightly not convinced. ' Yeah, sometimes they do. ' Cuphead replied, glancing away for a bit. ' World, please help me out here. . . I know they gotta happen this early right?? Right? ' Cuphead thought, sweating.

     ' Eh. . . Whatever floats your boat Cuphead. . .' Mugman said, soon pausing. ' Ya good Mugsy? ' Cuphead asked, his straw turning to a question mark. ' Y/N looks like they're almost done with the fence. . . ' Mugman said, with a little dismay as he looked through the window.

     ' Wait- Really?! ' Cuphead asked, shoving his face to the window again. Mugman stared at Cuphead as he stared at the window, gaining a smirk. ' Bro~ Bro's got a crush, yes he does, that's this guy! ' Mugman said, pointing at Cuphead, jumping up and down. ' Mugsy- You shush! False information, anywho- '

     Though, when Cuphead looked back to his brother, he was gone! Mugman immediately went outside, beginning to talk to Y/N. Cuphead began to stare at the two, seeming to have a good conversation. Though. . . He felt a little tingle in his chest, and it made him upset for some reason.

     The two of you looked so happy together, laughing while Mugman helped you with the finishing touches for the fence. He just couldn't help but stare at the two of you, and the more he did, the more the tingle in his chest grew. . .

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