20. Flaunt & Taunts !

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' Don't be to worried about it. ' Cuphead grumbled, swallowing a lump in his throat. ' Hey Cup! Come on you silly goose and get out here! ' Mugman exclaimed, signaling to come with hands. Though, Cuphead still felt that feeling in his chest, and he didn't want to let that go.

Nonetheless, Cuphead slowly came outside, looking around to see you and Mugman. He slowly walked up to you two, and tilted his head in confusion. ' What's up? ' Cuphead asked. ' Well... We were wondering if you wanna help us with the fence? It still needs the finishing touches, and it'd be nice to have you with us! ' Mugman answered, offering Cuphead a bucket with a paintbrush inside of it.

Cuphead looked at you and Mugs with hesitation, but grabbed the bucket nonetheless and started to paint the fence. He went further down the you and Mugs did, and you all painted the fence alongside Mugman.

' Hey Y/N? ' Mugman asked, tapping your shoulder with his paintbrush tip for your attention. You looked at Mugman with a curious smile, and he got the message and started to talk again. ' I was thinking. . . How'd ya feel if you spent some time with Cuphead tomorrow? Me and Elder Kettle have to make some errands and deliveries, and he is quite the interesting trouble maker. ' Mugman said, as he pointed to his brother with a smirk.

' Besides, someone's gotta watch him. Who knows what he'd do next? I'm sure it'd be a ball- plus he would actually listen to you. ' He said, looking at you as he painted the fence with a smile. ' I- uh. . . ' You started off, starting to look at Cuphead with a curious smile.

' What does Mugs mean by trouble? People have to watch Cuphead around? And he'll listen to me? ' You thought with a snicker, starting to giggle a bit as you still look at Cuphead. Meanwhile, the two brothers turned their heads at you with a curious expression.

' Whatcha giggling 'bout doll? '

' Shocking isn't it? '

Cuphead asked, while Mugman followed, both giving you a curious smile. ' It's like y'all are in sync man. . . ' You thought aloud, looking back and forth between the two. The brothers stared at you in confusion at first, then slowly started laughing with each other.

' Yea, a lot of people say that about us, huh Mugsy? ' Cuphead said as he stopped painting and walked over to Mugman, wrapping an arm on Mugman's shoulder with a smile. ' It doesn't help on the fact that we're twins brother. ' Mugman replied, playfully rolling his eyes, and soon looks at you with a smile. ' Yeah, that's probably why. . . ' Cuphead said, soon looking at you and Mugman.

' But anyways, why were ya giggling earlier baby doll? " Cuphead asked, tilting his head a bit as his straw turned into a question mark, while Mugs man just chuckled at the nickname you have now. ' Oh, just funny on how one of the guys that beat the Devil, has to be watched is all. . . ' You said, snickering a bit with a curious and playful smirk.

' WHA- HEY!! ' Cuphead said slamming his hand on his chest playfully offended, but suddenly fell to the ground. ' Owwww. . . - ' Cuphead says as he rolls into a little ball, hugging his chest lightly. ' Ooh, that's gotta hurt. . . ' Mugman said squinting a bit, trying to get his brother out the ball. You moved towards him and slowly started to rub his back in reassurance.

' Uhh, you ok? ' You asked with a confused laugh and smile as you continued to rub his back. ' My chest. . . MY BIG BUFF PUFFY CHEST DOLLLLL-!! ' Cuphead whined, pouting while making little sad cup noises he could get away with. Mugman slowly stood back a bit and stared at Cuphead confused, and you followed Mugman and shared some confused looks.

' Bro, are you trying to show off. . .? '

' Big, buff, and puffy?? '

Mugman asked as you followed, and both immediately turn to each other and laugh as Cuphead immediately gets out of his little ball. ' WHAT- ' Cuphead shouted, blushing and death glaring his brother, but then looks at you and gives a slight proud smile and nods. ' Well, he's got a big puffy heart, but I don't know about chest. ' Mugman teased, chuckling a bit more as Cuphead death glared him even more.

' That must be a very interesting way to describe a chest to say the least. . . ' You said looking at Cuphead, even more confused then before. ' I'M NOT SHOWING OFF, MY CHEST IS JUST NATURALLY BIG , BUFF, AND PUFFY!!! SEE? ' Cuphead defended, as he tried to puff his chest as much as he could with a proud smile. ' Beat that Mugsy. ' Cuphead chuckled, then looking at you with a smile. You and Mugs just chuckled and laughed, soon looking at Cuphead with a curious look.

' Alright tough guy, I see the chest. . . You trying to flaunt it or something? ' You asked, smirking at Cuphead playfully- while he just stared at you and started blushing even more while shaking his head. ' N-no, just stating the facts doll, is all. ' He hesitated, looking at you with a nervous smile as he tries to shake off the subject, both literally and figuratively. ' Sure Cuphead. . . ' Mugman said , rolling his eyes as you chuckled.

' What?? I'm just saying, it's true. It sounded like a challenge, and I took it is all. What's wrong about that?? ' Cuphead asked, looking at you two. ' It was all fun and games until you tried to show off and maybe even flirt and not even realize it. . . ' Mugman whispered , rolling his eyes with a playful smirk.

Cuphead just stared at Mugs with a disappointed and partly annoyed flustered glare, but then he looked at you with a somewhat nervous smile. ' Mugs is such a challenger. . . Aintcha Mugsy? ' Cuphead said , walking to Mugman and nudged his shoulder. ' Such a feisty one. . . ' Cuphead said while staring at his brother, while Mugman just deadpanned him. ' Sure, if you're tryna describe yourself. Then yes, you're ABSOLUTELY right! ' Mugman snickered, then burst out laughing.

' MUGSY- THAT'S NOT TRUE I SWEAR DOLL!!! ' Cuphead yelled, shaking his hands in front of him as an attempt to convince you. ' Yes it is. . . ' Mugman smirked, snickering his butt off. ' Oh trust me, I've lived with him for his WHOLE life, when I tell you that he's a trouble maker, I mean it! ' Mugman said, laughing some more as Cuphead's face became red from embarrassment and anger, before Cuphead slowly walked closer to Mugs and picked him up and plopped him aggressively on the ground.

' I will fight you. ' Cuphead grumbled at Mugs, death glaring him as you watched the entire scenario concerned, but trying not to laugh at the same time. . . ' This'll sure be a swell battle. . . ' You thought as the brothers soon got ready to fight again, as you sit down, getting ready to be entertained with a curious smile.

' And begin!! '

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