21. Put on a show!

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     As the brothers began to fight, you went inside to get some popcorn to satisfy the entertaining. ' If they're putting on a show, I might as well enjoy it right? ' You though as you walked inside to find Elder Kettle sitting in his rocking chair, rocking around happily.

     Elder Kettle soon sees you walk in, getting up to greet you with a warm hello. ' Oh Y/N! Did you three finish the fence already? ' He asked with a small smile. ' Oh- no Elder Kettle- I actually forgot about the fence... It's almost done though! Though while we were getting ready to finish the fence, Cup and Mugs- I mean Cuphead and Mugman started fighting and I just needed a entertainment snack. ' You said as you rubbed the back of your head and pointed to the window, showing the two brothers fight as if they've done it before.

     ' Ah, well then, come with me. Snacks and drinks are just this way! ' Elder Kettle giggled, often taking peeks at the fight as you two walked to their kitchen. You lightly gasped as you walked in, seeing the lovely kitchen and furniture they had.

     The floor was checkered tile, with white, blue, and red to fill as colors. It scattered all around as the wide and large kitchen spread to your eyes view. it was quite big despite the cottage's appearance, and actually a few plushies and things in the most random spots.

     You could see a plush from on top the freezer, and when Elder Kettle opened the red cabinets on the wall for the popcorn, you swore you saw a ' Dirk Dangerous ' action figure in there. , and a Camp Hootenholler flyer from the local summer camp here. Wherever that was. . . Maybe you'd ask Cuphead or Mugs about it when they stopped fighting.

     Soon enough though, Elder Kettle put the popcorn in the microwave, making you stare at the interesting click noise it made when it closed. Meanwhile though, while you and Elder Kettle were making popcorn Cuphead and Mugman kept bouncing into the fence as they fought like a ball.

     ' So Y/N. . . ' Elder Kettle started as the popcorn cooked in the microwave. ' You seem like a sweetheart to my boys, and I wanted to thank you for that in person. ' He chuckles and smiles as he looks at the boys fighting from the window. ' After beating the Devil, they were somewhat feared. Especially Cuphead too, since his temper can be all over the place when he's all upset and such. So it's nice to see them both have a friend and invite them over!! '


     Elder Kettle says as the microwave finishes making popcorn, before handing it to you. ' And here you go. ' He smiles more and pats your back. ' Uh... Elder Kettle? ' You ask as you take the popcorn and stare at the brothers as they continue to fight.

    ' Yes dear? ' He asks as he gets a cookie jar and starts to eat some cookies out of it. ' You mean that Cuphead and Mugman both didn't have friends for a while after they beat the Devil-? I thought y'all would've been celebrities and tired of people coming to your house to be honest. . . ' You nervously chuckled.

    ' Well... They do have some friends now, I've made sure of that much. Though I'll admit, people seem to be more scared of the two somewhat now it seems. . . Powers have consequences and can put people in their place, I suppose. ' He says with a sad look as he looks as the boys fighting still. ' They're sweet boys deep down though, I can reassure anyone that. They just bring trouble sometimes, those two... ' He finishes as you two continue to stare at the boys shenanigans.

    ' I guess we all just judged them by the cover huh. . .? ' You say as you take some popcorn. ' Somewhat. Though... Wait. . . Did you think that too? ' Elder asks and turns to you with a curious look.

   ' Yeah. . . The powers just makes everyone not wanna make the two upset like you said. Though it didn't help much that Cuphead naturally gave off a intimidating vibe when I first met him... '

     ' Oh. . . I suppose he can seem a bit off-putting at first can't he? ' Elder Kettle chuckles as he rubs your back reassuringly. ' It's happened many times. It's just that he's very protective of Mugman is all. Or anyone he cares about, for that matter. ' He says as you two continue to watch the two goofballs in their acts.

    ' I guess they both have a show to see underneath what they let show, don't they? ' Elder Kettle smiles.

    ' Yeah-! Yeah they do. ' You chuckle as time goes on, with the brothers still fighting- just like of they were in a boxing match.

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