9. Expect the unexpected!

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       'Oh hey! You made it Cuphead!' You exclaimed, with a grin on your cheeks. 'Of course I made it! I'm not slow!' Cuphead protested, sticking his tongue at you playfully. 'Ok then Rudolph the red nose reindeer.' You said mocking him, almost giggling at the end of your little 'insult'.

         However.. Cuphead did not take that lightly. 'Rudolph the red nose reindeer..?' Rudolph the red nose reindeer?!' He said slowly coming towards you, running almost. You soon became frightened and backed away due to his indimadating stare. It was like he was staring through your soul and back.

               He came closer and closer until he caught you. He grabbed his hand high up and.. started frizzing up you h/c hair..? 'H-huh?' You said confused. 'It really seemed like he was gonna punch or slap me...' You thought. ' Expect the unexpected from me doll.' He said. 'Always expect the unexpected with me doll.' He whispered into your ear, with a flirtatious tone.

     He grabbed you hand and rubbed it softly. He looked at you, gently smiled, and got up to explore the room you where in. You, however, were busy being a red tomato in a corner of boxes. 'Doll!! I think I found the crafting suppli-' Cuphead yelled, only to hear him not finish.

    BANG! You hear, slowly getting up, to trip yourself. 'Ow..' You react. Then to hear a 'HELP ME!!! I'M DROWNING IN CRAFT SUPPLIES!! HELPPPPP!! PLEASE I CAN'T SWIMMMM!!' From Cuphead. You quickly shake yourself and get up and run to where you hear the screaming.

     'I CAN'T SWIMM-' Cuphead yells as he attempts to squirm our of the materials. 'Cuphead! It's not water! You're ok. Lemme just get ya' out of all of this..' You said grabbing Cuphead's hands. You slowly backed away pulling him as hard as possible.

       Luckily, you succeed in getting Cuphead out of the crafting pile. 'You okay?' You asked. 'Uh.. Yeah I think.. ' Cuphead silently responded. 'Did I tell that I can't swim while being stuck over there? ' Cuphead asked. 'Yep.. You did. There's no water over there buddy. Just crafting materials.' You replied.

      'O-oh..um..just ignore that please haha. I swear I can swim. I swear.' Cuphead said sweating slightly in worry. 'I mean it's fine if you can't. I don't really mind. Besides, none of that stuff really has to do anything with water, minus clay.' You say slightly turning your head.

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