17. Lifting Express!

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      ' Cuphead, you can't just carry someone without their permission!! Let alone take them somewhere! '

      ' Mugs, I do it with you. Plus I'm sure Y/N don't mind.  Do you babydoll? ' Cuphead asked, looking at you for a reply. Babydoll.  ' Wha- huh? What was the question?? ' You asked, blushing.


      ' Do you mind me taking you home to our house? ' Cuphead asked, blinking at you rapidly. ' I- uh- insunsnisn- Sure! Why not-? ' You splattered out your mouth, not knowing what you just agreed to, nor said.

     Only one thing was in your head.

   ' See Mugsy? Told ya doll didn't mind. Now let's g-' Cuphead exclaimed only to stop with a halt. ' No way Cuphead! I'm your brother. We can do anything and get away with it. Friends is another story.'

     ' What if they wanted to get home? What if they wanted a drink from their fridge? Or to watch their comfort show while drinking juice? ' Mugman said, motioning the ideas.

    ' Mugs, we'll getcha a drink when we all get home. Now, let's get home so Y/N can meet Elder Kettle! Doll's coming with, and that's final! '

And that one thing in your head . . . was Cuphead.

    ' Y/N, you sure you're okay with this? Someone can be quite loud at home. ' Mugman asked, looking at you - who is still in Cuphead's arms. A second later, he put you down and immediately yelled, ' I'M NOT LOUD MUGS! HOW DARE YOU!? ' Infront Mugman's face.

    ' You just yelled Cuphead. Hate to break it to ya, but you're going against your own point. ' Mugman sighed, looking at his brother in slight disappointment. ' I-  . . . Dang it. ' Cuphead whispered, moving his head down slightly.

    ' Uh, yeah.. I'm ok with it. It'll probably be fun so, why not?' You said, walking over, rubbing Cuphead's shoulder. ' WAIT REALLY?!' Both Cuphead and Mugman yelled, though Mugman had a surprised tone. ' YA MEAN IT Y/N?! YOU'LL COME?? ' Cuphead exclaimed, with the biggest smile, and was jumping up and down like crazy.

      ' Yeah! I-It'll be fun! ' You shyly smiled, rubbing your hand against your head. ' WOOHOO!! ' Cuphead yelled, with his head temporarily bouncing off his body, which landed on the grass. ' Cup... your head. ' Mugman said, pointing to his headless body.

    ' Oh right- oops! ' Cuphead said, making his head bounce to his hands, to put his head back on his body. 'You ok Y/N? ' Mugman asked, making Cuphead turn to a wide eyed Y/N. 'Doll? OH SHOOT I'M SORRY! ' Cuphead said, immediately going to hug you. ' It's alright- '

      ' What's going on ?? ' Mugman asked, snapping Y/N back to reality. ' I forgot doll don't really handle my head bein' of my body too well.. You ok Y/N? ' Cuphead asked, tilting his head. ' I wanna scream. ' You replied, staring blankly. ' /neg or /pos scream? ' Cuphead asked.

      ' I- He means negative or positive scream... ' Mugman said, just in case you didn't know. '/Neg. Fear /neg.' You replied, slightly shivering. ' Hey... It's ok Y/N. It don't hurt when we do it, and nothin' bad happens. ' Cuphead said, wrapping his arms around your waist with a hug. ' It's ok babydoll... ' He said, putting his head on your shoulder.

      ' Why don't we go home and get a snack? ' Mugman suggested, grinning at you. ' Y-yeah. That would be nice. ' You stated, looking at Cuphead with his eyes closed on your shoulder. ' Hey, is Cuphead asleep? ' You whispered, tapping Mugman. ' Uh... Yeah, I think so. ' Mugman said, looking at you with a slight smirk.

      ' I'm too tired to lift him. ' Mugman said, making a bigger smirk than before. ' We've barely been moving for the past hour. ' You whispered, slight glaring at him. ' Those pizzas were really heavy though.. ' Mugman sighed.

                . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    ' Don't you do this to me Mugman. ' You whispered yelled, glaring at him. ' He's not that heavy Y/N! I believe in you!' Mugman said, immediately dashing away from you. ' I-... Shoot. ' You said, looking at Cuphead, sighing. 'Well, I guess you're gonna get a piggy back ride. . .' You sighed, blushing madly.

     Cuphead began to smile, snuggling into your shoulder deeper as you began to take him back to his house. ' Yippee... ' Cuphead mumbled, holding you without a single regret, as he began to blush and quietly snore.

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