7. An akward talk?

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     'So.. What exactly made you come here?' I said looking down. It's not normal to see someone who you made a bad impression to at your house. I think. 'Uh.. Well like I said, I needed to get out of the house to relax, and I come to the forest time to time. I wandered far enough to find your house, and sat down.. Then you know the rest.' Cuphead responded. 'It looks n-nice by the way.'

    'What does?' You asked. 'The um.. house.' Cuphead stated nervously. Almost for a minute, you thought he was blushing. Almost. For a good minute. 'Thanks.' 'So..um..Did you get those strawberries you where talking about?' Cuphead asked, desperate to keep this conversation going.

    ' I did actually! I'm planning to make a smoothie and maybe some aesthetic desserts, and get some recipes with them,and..' you realized you began to ramble and decided to stop. 'That's cool! What else are you planning to do with them..? I don't mind getting a free cooking tutorial haha.' Cuphead said while a chuckle was exiting his mouth.

     'Huh! Well then. I was planning to make some clothes inspired by them if I have the energy to do that.' You replied, feeling a bit more comfortable, knowing Cuphead was willing to listen to you. 'That sounds awesome!! Can I have a hat? I always wanted a strawberry hat.. Ooh! Can I have a mushroom hat to? They look so cool. Do you make clay frogs by the way?' Cuphead exclaimed, bouncing to your location in the couch.

    'I- Well, I can I make you the hats! They may just take a while haha. I might have some extras from before, so that could save some time. I do also make clay frogs. I can t-teach you if you like. They may take a while to dry though.' You explained,with a slight stutter. It was surprising to see Cuphead so hyper, and to you out of all people.

     'Cool!! Also, sorry if I scared you when we first met. I just realized, we didn't shake hands haha!' Cuphead giggled,holding his hand out for a former greeting. You hesitated slightly, but slowly grabbed his hand and shook.

      'I guess we're friends now huh?'

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