Chapter 2- Being Yourself Isn't So Easy After All

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Chapter 2

 Being yourself isn't so easy after all 

I stood by the entrance to the school as people passed by me. They were giving me weird looks, all of them were, but i guess its because they've never seen me here before. Even though i felt like nearly everyone was staring at me, it was probably my mind playing tricks on me again.

I walked into the entrance and came across a sign that said 'Secretary's Office' on it.  At least i don't have to get lost, there's signs all over the place. I walked down the hall way, still getting weird stares from people until i reached the it. As i got to the small office i noticed how new it looked, it looked like royalty owned this place. 

"Hi, you must be Katie, the new girl we've been waiting for, is that right? " I turned around and saw a tall woman standing before me. She was about in her late 20's and was dressed in a fancy black suit and nice looking black boots. 

"Err yes i'm her, n-nice to meet you " I stuttered and then gazed back to the teacher.

"Hi, its nice to meet you too hun, I'm Stacey. I'm the principle here." I nodded. "So anyway, let's get you to class before your'e late, you don't want to be late on your first day do you?" She laughed at herself then started to walk down the hall way of the school. I followed behind like a lost puppy as she led the way forward.

Looking around the school, i noticed how big it was inside. There was art all over the walls and water machines around every corner. This school was most certainly different from my old school. There weren't any water machines around every corner at my school, more like a gang of teenagers getting ready to beat you up.

"So, are you nervous?" She asked while walking up some long stairs. I followed closely behind, watching as she walked in front of me and then down a small corridor.

"A little" I gave her a weak smile then stared back at the floor as we came upon one of the classrooms.

"Don't worry, all the kids are nice here, you will make friends in no time" She smiled at me and then opened the door, i followed her inside and there were some people sitting at the tables doing work, i gulped down the hard lump in my throat and tried to breath, i felt like i was going to faint.

"Hi miss, this here is Katie, she's just starting here today" I looked at the floor still trying to breathe and then heard the teacher telling me to take a seat, i smiled at Stacey as she said goodbye, then took a seat at the back.

"Err sorry hun, but can you just sit here next to Lauren, we don't have another book, so we have to share" I looked at the girl called Lauren that she was pointing to and sat next to her. Great, how awkward could things get.

I took a look at the book as she slid it closer to me, well she was nice enough to share. I thanked her and listened to the teacher talk. It felt so weird being back in a school, with teachers everywhere, students learning and classrooms surrounding the corridors. I guess today was going to be a long day.

I remember my last school, how everyone was kind enough to show me around on the first day and i managed to make friends. Still, it didn't stop them from ruining my life months later.

After class finished it was social time, where you just sit and talk to people for half an hour apparently. I walked for what seemed hours around the school trying to find where the heck i was going. 

In the end, i creeped around every corner, trying to look for any type of sign. Yet, the people here just kept staring like i had two heads and perhaps a couple of arms. It sure felt like i was on another planet. Where's a map when you need one.

"Ouch" I heard as i came across a corner. I stumbled on the spot and looked at the person i had bumped into. It was the girl from the bus.

"Hey! We meet again" She giggled. Damn, how cute is she. "Oh, i didn't catch your name before, whats your name?" She smiled brightly and i couldn't stop smiling as well, damn this girl has such an affect on me. I breathed in and then breathed out heavily before answering her.

"My names Kate, you are?" I said with all the confidence i had. I was trying to allow myself to make friends this time. I couldn't afford to be a loner here, not again.

She giggled at how nervous i was as she closed the book in her hand. She had brown hair running past her shoulders and her green eyes were big. She was tall and around my height.

I sighed, my first possible crush in this school and i haven't been here a day. Of course i had to be the person who fell easily and bruised even harder in the end. I felt all these emotions so quickly because my heart couldn't put up it's defense mechanisms for some reason.

"Nice name, I'm Amy. Look, if anyone ever gives you trouble, you tell me alright and ill do something about it. If you ever need anything, you know where i am, just come find me. Not that i'm a violent person or anything!" She laughed, before placing her hand on my shoulder.

I gulped, feeling the flame sensation return from earlier. I think she must of felt something too, because she raised her eye brow and removed her hand, like i was on fire or something.

"It's just, i owe you one remember? Some people in this school aren't exactly friendly. You in this class?" She asked, i stared at her amazing lips getting lost into thought, before i answered her and noticed an open door beside her.

"I have no idea! I actually don't know where to go?" I admitted, feeling embarrassed. 

She frowned and leaned over the piece of paper in my hands and looked at the schedule. 

"Hey, you're with me most classes so it's fine!" She beamed. 

"Thank god, i thought i was going to be lost for the whole day!

"You want to sit next to me?" She smiled softly.

"Yeah thanks, id love too" 

"Cool " She said, winking.

I could have melted right then and there. This girl was different to any other girl i have met before, i knew that as soon as i saw her. There was just something about her that made me want to know more. I watched as she hugged some girl that came up to her and they started talking about some random things, i couldn't help but laugh at what they were saying. 

Finally, the teacher let us into the classroom and we entered, everyone looked bored already. Amy giggled as she dragged me over to the corner of the room. I was in deep trouble.

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