Chapter 4- Beautiful Equations

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Chapter 4

Beautiful equations

I took a seat at the back of the maths class and watched as people entered the room, one by one. This room reminded me of one of the rooms at my last school. It was big, but it was filled with so many books and tables and the wall colors even looked the same. I sighed, my life was a mess back then, it still is now, but I'm trying to fix that.

My old school was basically like world war one. Whatever class you walked too, there would always be a bully waiting around the corner. I was bullied a lot in that school, sometimes it was worse then just name calling. They didn't just bully me for the fun of it though, there was another reason too. They had found out i was gay and started calling me a dyke and hitting me for it. 

Every time we had gym, all the girls would call me names and say i was staring at them getting changed, but i wasn't and that's why i skipped school. I was so sick of the bullying and people found out too much. Point is, i cant get found out in this school, or my life will be over again.

"Ok class, settle down and take your seats" I looked up and saw that everyone was inside the class now. Damn, there isn't even a lot of people in here, there's about ten people in here. I was sad that Amy wasn't in this class, i would love to have her in every class. Just because she was nice to me and hadn't judged me. I could tell she was a nice person who gave people a chance no matter what, but she also looked like she could hold a fight  if she had to. I smiled, i couldn't stop thinking about her beautiful face.

"Oh hello, you must be the girl we've been waiting for, whats your name?" My face dropped as everyone was now staring at me, i looked up at the teacher in front of me and swallowed the hard lump in my throat.

"Errrr, my name is Katie.." I faked a smile at my math teacher and my breathing got faster, i think im going to faint, this isnt good. I hated people staring at me.

"OK then Katie, nice to have a new student, if you need any help with your work, just put your hand up and ill be right over." I nodded quickly then stared down at my desk. Why am i so shy? 

As the teacher was about to start talking again, someone rushed into the room out of breath and smiled as she shut the door closed.

"Sorry I'm late miss" I looked up from my desk and gazed over to this girl who just came in. Wow, she was gorgeous. She had short blond hair up to her shoulders and by the looks of it, she had dark brown eyes that made her face even more beautiful. She also looked pretty familiar, which was weird considering i haven't even seen her before. I smiled to myself as she walked over towards my table. 

After what seemed like hours of staring at her, i finally heard the teacher answer.

"Just don't do it again!" The teacher mumbled as she messed with the pen in her hands, trying to write something down.

"You're in my seat" I heard beside me. I forgotten she was heading my way and now she was stood watching me with a slight grin on her face.

"Sorry" I said, trying to stand. Instead of her moving out of the way, she giggled.

"Hey you don't have to move now, i was just saying. Are you new?" I sat back in the seat and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm Kate" I breathed in and relaxed in my seat as she took a chair behind her and sat next to me. She smirked at me then fished out her phone from her pocket. After a few seconds of her messaging someone she looked up at me and smiled again.

"Don't tell miss you saw me messaging people, she will take my phone away, so if you want to do the same thing and text, i advise you to be sneaky" She giggled quietly then pulled her chair closer to me. "I'm Jessica, but you can call me Jess. You seem like a nice girl." She added. I nodded and opened the math book on the desk, trying to avoid her eyes. She had a similar personality to Amy, which made me feel a little more comfortable sitting with her. 

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