Chapter 9- Confused Or What?

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Chapter 9

 Confused or what?

You know the moment, where you see something you don't want to see, or least expect to see, and you just freeze, not moving or breathing. Yeah that moment, Ive had plenty of those, but right now, this was a longer version.

I could not believe what i was seeing. It could be just my stupid imagination, or maybe she's actually standing in front of us right now. 

I gulped hard as i saw confusion hit her face, as she came closer to me and Amy. Damn, what the hell am i going to do now? Should i run away? Should i pretend i wasn't there? Or maybe i should just pretend like nothings weird right now, and that i wasn't just holding Amy in the back of her moms car when the same day her sister had kissed me.


Although i felt like fainting right now, she actually looked happy to see me. I'm staring like an idiot, say something!

I opened my mouth trying to speak until Amy spoke for me, thank god.

 "Where is everyone?" Amy asked as she lent against the small white fence behind her. Amy wasn't a tad bit confused. I hope she doesn't hate me. First we were kissing each other goodbye, and now I'm with her suppose 'sister' standing here looking like an idiot. Why cant i do anything right anymore, I'm getting myself into a bloody mess, right now, I'm just a little bit caught in the middle. 

"Everyone's inside" She stopped talking as she looked at Amy's frown and then cleared her throat before she spoke again. "So i see you brought someone with you?" She smirked, knowing how awkward it must have been for me to be standing here right now.

I smiled back awkwardly and then stood up straight. What am i going to do? They're sisters and i like Amy, yet i kissed Jess! I wonder if they have both already talked about me? No, they've only just met me today, perhaps i'm just panicking for no reason. I've never really spoken to my sisters about boys or girls or whatever, so maybe they hadn't spoken to each other about me?

"Oh right! This is Kate, she's new at our school!" Amy stated as she started walking towards the entrance of the house. Jess waited for me to walk by before she came with us. She was near my side, but she didn't seem to bother trying to hold my hand like she did before. Maybe she just felt weird doing it around Amy? 

"Oh i know who she is, she's in my math class!" Jess said as she ran her hand through her hair. 

I was hoping the cinema 'date' wasn't going to be mentioned to Amy, as i'd have to explain everything and i didn't want to explain why i kissed Jess back. 

"Oh so you've already met?" Asked Amy.

We walked into the warm house and i closed the door behind me, making sure to lock it. The inside was huge! I could already imagine what her bedroom or bathroom must look like.

"Yep." Was all Jess said as we all walked up the stairs, i'm assuming to her room.

Amy nodded and went quiet. She was thinking and i wanted to know what she was thinking about. Jess glanced at me a few times as i walked behind her.


Short but i have writers block right now so cant think properly xD anyways hope u like it, thanks <3

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