Chapter 30- I Choose You

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Chapter 30

I Choose You

We entered the hospital twenty minutes later, stepping through the doors I ran up to the desk, breathing heavily from rushing all the way here.

"Amy Grayson?" The woman typed away at her computer, way too slowly for my liking.

Anna stood beside me with a worried look on her face, similar to the one I had on mine as she held Lucy in her arms and against her hip. I looked at the both of them as I waited. When I turned back around, the woman looked up from her desk.

"Second floor, block three in room four" She said in boredom, before returning to her files beside her.

Before Anna could say anything, I had ran as fast as I could, forgetting the lift and the long wait for it and rushing up the stairs instead. When I reached the floor, my legs brought me to the end of the internal hallway and to the sight of Jess, waiting impatiently in the waiting room.

To the left of her was Vanessa, biting away at her fingernails, looking more nervous than Jess was. To the right, was Amy's mum and dad, also looking worried. What confused me the most, was another girl talking to Jess, a girl I had never seen before.

I walked quickly towards them, hearing the lift ping behind me, signally Anna's arrival as I heard her footsteps rushing behind me. I couldn't take my eyes off of this girl though, until Jess finally noticed me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, her tone filled with confusion, even a little annoyance.

I frowned, how she can act this way towards me when it's her fault Amy broke up with me. Ok, it was partly my fault too, but if Jess hadn't of invited me to the cinema, or kissed me to make Vanessa jealous, none of this would of happened. I understand Amy for forgiving Jess because they are sisters, but why did she ignore me, when she could have let me explain everything? I stopped walking and tried to look around for room four, the room Amy must have been in.

I felt a hand rest on my lower back as Anna had caught up to me, little Lucy was standing beside her, curiosity filling her eyes as she looked between Jess and I, glaring at one another. Before I could say anything, Vanessa had stood up and joined Jess.

"I called Anna" She admitted, her eyes filled with sadness and guilt.

Why should she feel guilty? She had every right to call Anna, because Amy and I wasn't speaking, it didn't mean the rest of the group had to stop speaking to her. Actually, Vanessa had gotten close to Anna, like I had gotten close to my new friend Tilly. If i hadn't of been with Anna, would that mean no one would tell me what's happened. I could be sitting at home right now, while all this is happening, not knowing about it. 

"Yes, you called Anna, but what are you doing here? We didn't call you" Said Jess with much attitude. I stared blankly into her eyes, before ignoring her shitty presence and turning to Vanessa, who seemed to want me here more than anyone else.

"Where is she? What's happened? Is she ok?" I asked, panic evident in my voice as I kept fiddling with the hem of my shirt. Anna squeezed my back gently, making my sudden panic die down a little. Somehow, I felt safer with Anna beside me, but I couldn't get rid of the horrible thoughts I was having about Amy.

If anything happens to her, I'd never forgive myself for giving up on her. I know we all have to move on eventually, and that is something I will do when the time comes, but I know a part of me will always want Amy. A part of me will always be in love  with her entire soul. I can't lose her, whatever it is that's happened, I can't let her go.

"What are you doing here?" I heard to my left, someone repeating the same venomous words Jess had said a couple of minutes ago. It was clear how everyone had been distracted with their worries to even notice I was standing here. Amy's mother came charging towards us with a frown plastered across her forehead.

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