Chapter 6- Is This What You Wished For?

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Chapter 6

Is this what you wished for?

As we got to the movies, i was getting more nervous by the minute, Jessica was a beautiful girl, why the hell would she want me to come to the movies with her on her birthday? I guess today is just my lucky day, maybe things are starting to finally get better. In some ways, iv'e always known i was attracted to girls, since i was 12, iv'e always looked at girls differently. When I'm with a girl, i feel like there are no worries in the world and i don't have to worry about the way i act, i get that electric feeling, like you can do anything, like you are powerful. They make me feel safe and different, less shy and less scared to be myself. 

Anyway. I am standing in the queue to get the tickets with Jess, ready to see a movie, when all i can think about is Amy. What is wrong with me? Ive only just met her and i don't want to ruin our friendship already. I wonder if she's gay? That would be great but i still think she wouldn't like me.

"Hey, are you ok?" She asked. I wandered my eyes up from the floor and into her beautiful green eyes and smiled. There she was with her amazing smile, smiling back at me. We were closer to the desk now ready to buy the tickets. I didn't know what movie we were seeing, but i didn't mind either way.

"Yeah im fine, how about you?" She moved further down the line as it became smaller and then turned back to me. She blushed an autumn red as she smiled at me, her beautiful white teeth showing as she grinned a mysterious smile. She moved to stand right opposite me and then gently swept a piece of my fringe away from my face and pushed it behind my ear. Wow! Did she really just do that? I smiled and then gazed down towards the floor, i didn't wan't her to see me blushing too. Maybe she was just being nice and trying to be friendly. As i was staring at the blank floor, i felt a hand go under my chin and suddenly lift it up. I looked up into her eyes.

"I am so happy you are here with me Kate. Come on, lets get the tickets" She gently took my hand and turned to the desk behind her. Behind the desk was a beautiful looking young woman, she was in her 20's and had the most bored expression on her face. I can't blame her, i would be bored too if i had to work in this place. 

When Jess had finally finished getting our tickets she dragged me with her to the popcorn stand. I giggled quietly as i saw her face light up from all of the popcorn in front of her. She is so damn cute, i could just put her in my pocket and keep her there forever. While she got our popcorn and drinks i did what i always do when no one is talking to me, i zoomed out of reality and into a world of my own. My thoughts always took over me, maybe that's why i haven't got any friends, because I'm always zooming out of conversations and into my own world. Maybe they thought i was weird, well i have to admit that i am a little weird, but hey, no ones normal. As i was nervously playing with my hands, I could feel her eyes piercing into me.

"Hey, i have the popcorn and drinks, you ready to go in?" I blinked my eyes repetitively and then gave her one of my crooked smiles. I need to stop daydreaming and start being normal for once, if im like this the whole night she will think im strange. 

She giggles at my shyness and then gently takes my hand. Somehow, i felt like people were staring at us, maybe thinking we were lesbians because she was holding my hand. But maybe i was just being paranoid like i always am. Jess didn't even seem to mind, it was like she wanted to hold my hand and make people think i was her girlfriend. I don't know, maybe im thinking about things too much, i need to calm down and enjoy this moment. I'm here with Jess, but i couldn't help but think about Amy. I did think Jess was beautiful too, she made me feel good about myself and she was confident. The kind of person i needed in my life, but perhaps only as a friend. I realized how long i had been quiet for now and then looked up into her now curious eyes.

"Errrm....yeah, lets go" She nodded knowingly then intertwined her fingers with mine, pulling me with her as we walked closer to the room we were about to watch the movie in. As we reached the door she opened it quietly knowing that the movie was due to start soon. We walked hand in hand down the aisle and took some seats at the back row of the movie theater. The movie was just about to start when we sat down next to each other.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit, distant, like you don't want to be here with me" I frowned as i heard those words come from her mouth. 

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