Chapter 24- Explanations And Expectations

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Chapter 24

Explanations And Expectations

Pregnant? Pregnant! Hell the crap did she manage that? How the hell was she capable of being pregnant? This can't be happening right now, this is, weird. Anna was defiantly not the type to get pregnant or sleep with a guy at our age. Anna is shy and closed off from everyone, in fact, how did she meet a guy to sleep with in the first place? 

Maybe i'm going at this in the wrong way? Maybe she didn't get pregnant on accident by some one night stand or something. What if she was, i don't know, forced? I can't believe i'm thinking this right now? But what the hell am i supposed to think, when a shy young girl comes up to me and tells me she's pregnant? 

"I know this must be a shock to you. I mean, it was a shock to me to-"

"Shock is an understatement right now Anna" I said, looking away from her eyes and staring into the empty park where there was an old man walking his dog. It was pretty late now and the moon was out, glaring into our figures to make silhouettes of our bodies onto the floor. I didn't mind the dark, it was peaceful and pretty. I turned my attention back to Anna as she grabbed my hand and pressed her head on my shoulder. 

"I know what you're thinking of me, but i'm so scared right now Kate. How the hell am i supposed to raise a child all on my own? I'm practically a child myself. I can't do this, i can't." She raised her head again and glanced at me before looking at the same place i was. What was i supposed to say? I wasn't sure what was going on? Why did she tell me? Maybe i was her only close friend.

"I don't know what to say. How did it happen?" I asked, trying to not seem nosy. Yet, how was i not supposed to be nosy? She was telling me she's pregnant. I didn't expect this to happen. After the way she was acting, i thought that maybe, she liked me and was jealous? Damn, just when i think i'm getting good at reading people, this happens.

"That's not important. It was a very big mistake and it's not important right now. What's important, is that i get rid of it, but the truth is, i don't want to. It's against what i believe in, I've always disagreed with abortion. I mean, it's my fault i'm here right now, not the babies. Not an innocent child that has given the chance to have life." She finished, placing her hand on her tummy and smiling slightly. I sighed inwardly and smiled. Even though this situation was pretty messed up right now. I seriously think she needed my support. I wasn't the type to judge, especially my friends. 

However, we had to be realistic here. She was too young, and i doubt her mum would take care of it.

"How are you going to look after it? How are you going to bring it up on your own? How are you-"

"I know Kate. I know all this already and I've thought it through a thousand times now already. A thousand, god damn times. I figured, i finish school in less than two months right? So i don't have  to go through looking after her or him when she or he is born. I also started thinking about, about, giving it away. To someone who wants a baby more than i do, at least them it'll be in a better life right?" She cupped her hands around both cheeks and cried into her hands. I didn't know what else to do so i rubbed her lower back gently with my hand and brought her closer to my side. She looked up and smiled through her tears. She looked so fragile and lost. It was heart-breaking.

"Who will you give it to?" I asked.

"Well, i haven't thought it that far through yet but i will find someone. I have at least eight months to figure all this out. So then maybe i'll know. I just needed you to know. Someone to know, because i don't want to be alone in this Kate." She started sobbing into my shoulder. I felt like crying too for a second, i didn't like it when people cried. It made me want to cry too.

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