Chapter 25- For The First Time

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Chapter 25

For the first time

 "Cheers" Everyone shouted as we all stood, centre room around a table with drinks and food on. The gallery was now filled with older people, bursting with energy from drinking most of the night. Only some lightweights were still here, most of them already kicked out of the building. Somehow, Amy managed to convince the owner to let us stay for another hour or so to celebrate the positive reviews of my painting. It would be stupid not to celebrate our night, although we weren't drinking actual alcoholic drinks, we were still enjoying ourselves. 

After Amy had shown me my surprise, we wondered around the exhibition and watched from afar as many artists walked up to my painting and shared good comments on it. According to most, i had 'captured the true beauty of what the human soul sees, when looking into the eyes of someone you love'. Many were confused as to why i had painted Amy in such a unique and weird way, but others, who were in love, understood. In the painting, Amy's eyes were focused closer to the viewer, while in the background, she was painted normally with her smile, while she read a book. I smiled, i tried to show people how love can make you see through a person by making her figure glow and look as though she's fading. While i drew another set of eyes darker in the background to look as though someone was watching her. 

When i first shown her the painting, she didn't get it, but after ten seconds she knew exactly what i was trying to capture, so she loved it. Now here i was, watching as others enjoyed the painting just as much as she did, artists that were well known and had more experience. Some even came up to me and congratulated me for being successful with my first display in a gallery. Amy just stood back and said i deserved the attention. Of course, when i looked back she was sitting by the corner stuffing her face with cake, causing me to laugh as she stared at me, like she had been caught robbing a bank or something.

Amy and i were strong together, i knew that if i told her i loved her for the first time, it would make us stronger. I didn't expect her to say it back, but she did and now i can't help but smile every time she looks at me with those beautiful eyes. I've never felt this way before, so i knew i was in love with her. I fell for her the moment i saw her, i just didn't know it,until now. 

After Anna had told me about her being pregnant, we had become much closer and i tried my hardest to keep her calm, and positive about the whole situation. I was even shocked when Anna had gave me permission to tell Amy about it all. Even though she made me promise to make her swear not to tell anyone. I remember the night i told Amy. Her eyes just popped out of her head as she kept repeating, 'Oh my god, oh my god. Really?'. What surprised me even more, was when she admitted that she wouldn't mind looking after her child. She said this when i joked about Anna, asking me and Amy to take care of her baby. I remember exactly her reaction and what she said.

"I wouldn't mind looking after it actually. I mean, it'd be hard at first, but i know i'll get used to it after a while, i think you'd be a great mum actually."

I didn't know what to say of course, but it didn't stop her from joking about us being parents and stuff. Actually, it sounded like she wasn't joking at all.

"Cheers" I repeated, clinking my glass with Amy and some other people standing near us. The time was now eight at night and my mum had already phoned to see if i was ok. I had told her about Amy's surprise and she couldn't stop talking down the phone about how proud she was of me. That made me happy, because it was amazing to hear that my own mum was proud of something i had created and what Amy had done. After i chugged down the tiny amount of water i had left in my glass, Amy kissed my cheek and lent forward into my ear.

"I have one more surprise for you." She said, backing away to see me blush. Her kiss lingered onto my cheek, tingling as it sent a shiver down my spine. I raised my eye brow as she smirked.

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