Chapter 22- Amy

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Chapter 22


Her lips crushed against mine in a passionate fight to win dominance, while her hand began to slide up my arm and behind my neck. I felt the tip of her fingers rub my cheek gently as my tongue drifted along her bottom lip, hearing a mumbled moan in the back of her throat. I smirked slightly and gave her hand a squeeze, lifting my free hand and placing it around her waist, feeling her tongue fight for entrance.

Of course, i couldn't deny her! She ran her hand along my thigh as we were no longer holding hands, but rather running them all over each others bodies. I gasped when i felt her fingertips touch my lower stomach, they were freezing! I pulled away and took a deep breath, although it was amazing feel her lips against mine, i couldn't breath one bit.

"Wow..." She breathed out, trying to catch her breath too.

I could see the glint burst in her eyes, showing me she really meant what she was doing. Unlike Jess who sort of used me to get back at Vanessa. I smiled to myself, i can't believe we just kissed. Don't get me wrong, i've always wanted to kiss her and have her skin pressed against mine. But the thing was, i didn't know why she kissed me.

Was this her trying to say that she had feelings for me? I never imagined Amy- someone so beautiful and god damn irresistible- could ever have feelings for someone like me. Someone who didn't know what love felt like, i thought i did, but after feeling so many emotions towards different people, i realized none of them made me feel anything.

I mean, i always felt the same towards every girl i met that intrigued me, maybe i was just having crushes on girls or feeling like they were into me because i was so damn lonely! Maybe loneliness is what makes me fall for girls so quickly, maybe i do look desperate. I felt Amy's stare as i went off into my own world.

"Have i done something wrong?" She asked. I felt bad, because she hasn't done anything wrong at all. In fact, she was doing everything right. She took me to this amazing place where she's took no one else, shared personal stuff with me because she...well...i guess she felt more towards me then what i thought. It was clear now, i was just shaking off the fact that a girl could actually want me, because i was so damn stupid to think no one could.

I was kidding myself, i can see that now. I smiled warmly at Amy as she grabbed my hand, a frown sitting above her eyes like she was afraid of moving in case the moment isn't real or something. But it was, this moment and the kiss was real, everything happening right now was real. I almost forgot about the fact that my mum was probably worrying her ass off about my whereabouts, considering i hadn't talked to her since i left for Amy's party last night, telling her i'd be back at midnight. What an idiot, i'm going to be in so much trouble. But when i felt a familiar touch of a thumb rubbing my own, i didn't care if someone tried to murder me right now, i needed this moment.

"No. You haven't done anything wrong. I'm just confused i guess. I thought you wasn't interested in me." i said honestly, looking away from her eyes.

Damn, she was too gorgeous to look at, i was ready enough to jump her bones. I mean, no one would see right? This place is well hidden, if anyone were to find us, i wouldn't even care anyway.

A giggle erupted beside me as i stared at Amy beside me, bobbing her head back and forth in fits of laughter as she slapped her knee. I thought she was going to fall off the log for a moment, which caused me to grab onto her hand. Immediately, she stopped laughing so much and bit her lip. Smiling like a dork, she shifted closer to me and interlocked her fingers with mine again.

"Really? I have been giving you plenty of hints this entire time and you haven't even caught on, not one bit? Man, you truly are clueless. Kate, i have liked you since the first moment we met, you truly caught the key to my heart when you were kind enough to help me that day on the bus. As well as always making me happy and never being judgmental. As lame as that sounds! I brought you here to admit that i like you Kate. I like you a lot.." She finished, blushing again as she stared towards the ground.

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